Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, August 31, 2003

This is very funny. I have always liked Henry Rollins' better as a writer or speaker than as a musician and here he is brilliant. I can really see the German concert of Marilyn Manson's in my mind's eye...."a bunch of dead guys having a cook-out"...hilarious!! via Metapop
8:53:52 PM    comment [];

Photo gallery of insect freaks, from The Insect Company, which sells insect specimens. [BoingBoing]
Wow, I don't know how I feel about all.....First there is that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that people catch and kill and pin insects to a board....and then there is this feeling about the cause of these aberrations and deformities...they say a butterfly flaps his wings in China and that causes a hurricane in America...are these freak insects natural occurrences? Are they caused or influenced by pollution?
That reminds me of a story....a frightening and very real story....I know a woman from Chihuahua who is an American citizen and lives in Santa Fe. She still has a lot of friends in Chihuahua and one day she told me that some friends of hers were going to have a baby boy. A few months later I found out that the baby was born without ears, that is he had the inner ears but no outer shells (cartilage) to focus the sound. I asked whether her friends lived near a factory, maybe plastics or hi-tech. Yes, she said an american hi-tech company had opened there a couple of years ago and employed many people in the village where she grew up. I told her that there might be a connection between the factory and the genetic flaw of the baby boy's ears. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a journalist and has an incredible network of friends and asked her to talk to the Chihuahua woman.... Well, to cut a long story short, it turns our that this year many babies were born without ears in the little town in Chihuahua and all of those babies had at least one parent working at the factory.....
The next time I saw the woman I asked her what had happened...She told me that she had heard that the people in her town had been fired and the factory had closed.....- it was closed and moved to China....
8:43:22 PM    comment [];

Noise 4
A picture named Noise4.jpg
8:17:36 PM    comment [];

Rap Music
Someday, when you have an irresistible urge to listen to rap music, check out Mc Solaar's album Prose Combat. It's about a decade old, but still great. I am listening to it right now at a volume that rocks the house......sometimes U gotta do that....
8:00:42 PM    comment [];

A picture named 01.jpg
10:53:06 AM    comment [];

Videos, TV Appearances, Band footage
Yesterday I tried my hand at video editing for the first time. It was a lot of fun. We have hundreds of videos: the official clips like Reaching out 2 U, Snakecharmer and Albatross, 10 years of TV appearances and stuff that was shot by the band on the road. I bought a little digitizer (under 300 bucks) to import the material from a VHS machine and a Hi8 recorder into a computer. Then I started by using Apple's free iMovie application to edit video we shot while on tour in Italy in 1996. There are some hilarious scenes. Over the next months I plan on digitizing and editing a lot of videos and turning them into little downloadable quicktime files.
7:23:38 AM    comment [];

Jeremy's PC
Thanks for your suggestions. With your help, Jeremy has been able to fix his laptop .
12:17:39 AM    comment [];

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