Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, August 8, 2003

Just a reminder...there is raffling going far people can't seem to buy just one raffle ticket. I am told some folks have sent up to 40 tickets. More tickets, more chances at winning the guitar and more $$$ for the Red Cross and Amnesty International. Thanks! Play on....there is still plenty of time!
10:51:51 PM    comment [];

Studio Entrance
A picture named Studio6.jpg
10:43:47 PM    comment [];

1996 "Opium" tour: Carl Coletti
A picture named CarlStage2.jpg
10:40:54 PM    comment [];

A picture named roy.jpgDeconstructing Roy Lichtenstein. Here's a website showing the original comic strip frames Roy Lichtenstein based his paintings on. They've slightly screwed up though - page 1 shows the origins of some Warhol paintings, and not Lichtenstein. But anyway, it's a great website. [The Cartoonist]

10:36:40 PM    comment [];

working solo...
This afternoon I worked on some guitar parts in my studio, while Jon was working on stuff for the new album in his studio. I recorded my own playing by setting everything up, then figuring out how much time I would need to open and close 4 doors (studios always have double doors), sit down in my chair, slip the monitors into my ears, grab the guitar and start playing. I guessed at the time and programmed that much pre-roll....and it worked out great. It was great being able to record by myself and I am looking forward to doing more on the new album.
10:29:44 PM    comment [];

It rained last night....
I woke up a little after midnight to hearing and smelling lovely rain!!!
10:04:21 AM    comment [];

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