Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, August 28, 2003

Microsoft and the SCO Group may be taking aim at Linux, but they are also relying on the open-source operating system to keep their Web sites up. [CNET]
OK, do I understand this correctly? MS dislikes open source and according to Lessig might be lobbying the US to stay away from the WIPO meeting regarding Open Source- but yet they are using Linux to prop up their web site because Windows has too many security holes...and SCO is suing everybody (IBM and Linux et al) for "stealing" unix code all the while they are using Linux for their web site. Bizarre, isn't it?
11:00:46 PM    comment [];

geekee writes "According to an article at CNET, RSA Security is developing a 'blocker' tag that disrupts RFID tag transmissions, protecting a person's privacy ... [Slashdot]
My tag will beat your tag sort of thing....
10:52:47 PM    comment [];

Todd Lappin points us to "pretty amazing photos of in-flight damage to an EasyJet 737 caused by golfball-sized hail a few days ago, after takeoff from Geneva. As they say on all those police reality-TV shows, 'Incredibly, no one was hurt.'" [BoingBoing]
I am glad I was not on that plane...
10:40:19 PM    comment [];

Noise 18
A picture named Noise18.jpg
10:26:09 PM    comment [];

Another old photo from 1912
A picture named Old-1.jpg
10:25:11 PM    comment [];

This is a cool digital clock. Well, sort of digital, anyway :) [ via Robert Scoble ] Just goes to show, once again, you can find just about anything on the 'net.

[Critical Section]
Nice balance of analog and digital, whimsical and has, yes, I like it very much.....
10:07:42 PM    comment [];

Ed Black of the Open Source and Industry Alliance has written Ms. Lois Boland a very nice and good letter about the recent statements about "open source."

Meanwhile, there's much reporting that Microsoft is behind the lobbying to kill the WIPO meeting. I don't know anything about that (for some reason, I've been removed from Mr. Gates' lobbying-strategy list). But it is useful to contrast the sophisticated, moderate, and well-informed work of Microsoft's GC, Brad Smith, about "open source" software, recently published in a Joint AEI/Brookings book.

In addition to Ed Black's letter, and perhaps letters from you, she might find Brad Smith's essay useful.

[Lessig Blog]
Above is in reference to this entry. Go ahead, refresh your memory....this is important stuff that might have repercussions for decades to come....
9:57:44 PM    comment [];

Greg Dyke, BBC:

For the first time, there is an easy and affordable way of making this treasure trove of BBC content available to all.

Let me explain with an easy example. Just imagine your child comes home from school with homework to make a presentation to the class on lions, or dinosaurs, or Argentina or on the industrial revolution. He or she goes to the nearest broadband connection - in the library, the school or even at home - and logs onto the BBC library. They search for real moving pictures which would turn their project into an exciting multi-media presentation. They download them and, hey presto, they are able to use the BBC material in their presentation for free.

Now that is a dream which we will soon be able to turn into reality.

We intend to allow parts of our programmes, where we own the rights, to be available to anyone in the UK to download so long as they don’t use them for commercial purposes. Under a simple licensing system, we will allow users to adapt BBC content for their own use.

We are calling this the BBC Creative Archive.
via [Aaron Swartz]

Most excellent news, dear Sir. One would hope that other public networks around the world follow suit.
9:52:37 PM    comment [];

Stealth Recording
I received the Sharp MD recorder and the stealth in-ear microphones yesterday and they sound amazing. They second best thing to actually being there! Ah, the possibilities that opens up!
9:39:55 AM    comment [];

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