Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, August 30, 2003

Noise 14
A picture named Noise14.jpg
10:13:16 PM    comment [];

A funny performance piece from Japanese (?) TV depicting an anti-gravity game of Ping Pong.(Thanks Vann!) [BoingBoing]
Very cool! Here the analog world is imitating the digital world, just as drummers started imitating drum machines in the Eighties. A computer expression becomes a human expression...and a child grows up thinking it was a human expression all along...
10:01:02 PM    comment [];

Suburbs built without sidewalks are strongly correlated with net weight gain for residents of those regions
All other factors being equal, each extra degree of sprawl meant extra weight, less walking, and a little more high blood pressure, he concluded. Someone living in the most sprawling county - Geauga County outside Cleveland - would weigh 6.3 pounds more than if that same person lived in the most compact area, Manhattan.

(via Futurismic) [BoingBoing]

9:53:59 PM    comment [];

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