Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, August 16, 2003

Studio Window
A picture named Window1.jpg
9:44:17 AM    comment [];

Two little Japanese Maples, each about 4 feet tall arrived via UPS today from Tennessee today. I love maples and a couple of years ago grew several small plants from seed. Last year I planted them into the ground, but because I was away too much and because of the drought none of the five plants survived. Since I didn't want to start over from seed I ordered these two new plants from a place called Fantastic Plants - see above link. They arrived in good condition and I decided to try something the Italians are very good at: growing trees in large pots. That way it is easy to control the soil and moisture even in a drought. In Italy you can find lemon trees in pots that live outside in the summer and are rolled indoors to survive the winter.
I wrote a new song and recorded the chords and melody...I wonder how many songs I have written and then forgotten again - enough to fill a couple of albums I am sure...It's a lovely simple melody and I think I will arrange it in two parts: the first couple of verses and chori will sound intimate, like the song "Santa Fe" and then I will add a whole bunch of percusssion for the solo.
I finished reading The Da Vinci Code. Must order more books by that author.
9:15:38 AM    comment [];

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