Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, August 2, 2003

Mini-CDs vs DVD Audio
I really like those Mini-CDs we are using for the 3 is 4 good luck release. If they could find a way to expand the capacity of mini-CDs from about 22 minutes to about 70-90 minutes at either 16/44.1 or even 24/48, I would prefer them over getting DVD Audio with its 5 channels of 24/96! I would like to do more releases using the mini-CD format. How do you like it?
11:43:44 PM    comment [];

Our Web Store is coming along nicely.....
Putting finishing touches on our web picking the right CD mailers for example...we should be up and running sometime this month...
11:09:08 PM    comment [];

Music made from dot-matrix printers. A friend of mine recently pointed me towards the Symphony For Dot Matrix Printers, by the Montreal art-duo The User. Yes, that's right -- they hooked up a bunch of printers to a computer MIDI interface and scripted tunes from it. As they describe it on their web site: The Symphony for dot matrix printers is a work which transforms obsolete office technology into an instrument for musical performance. The Symphony focuses the listener's attention on a nearly forgotten technology: the dot-matrix printer. Specifically, it employs the noises the printers make as the sole sound source for a musical composition. Leaving the constituent elements untouched, the process imposes a new order upon them, reorganizing the sounds along a musical structure. Dot matrix printers are thus turned into musical 'instruments'. [collision detection]

10:44:38 PM    comment [];

In the NYT, Ed Wyatt reports that the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava has been selected to design the train station at the World Trade Center site. [ about making films]

Poetry in steel and glass...this could be great...
10:37:26 PM    comment [];

Clear Channel is the dominant player in the radio business. The company owns 1,240 AM and FM stations across the United States. It owns stations in 248 of the top 250 radio markets. As one writer puts it, " Clear Channel in particular dominates the Top 40 format (KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, WHTZ and WKTU in New York, KHKS in Dallas, WXKS in Boston, WHYI in Miami, etc.) and controls 60 percent of rock-radio listening."
Clear Channel has over 100 million US listeners. The company, by one reckoning, reaches a third of the US population each week.

[Oligopoly Watch] [Mediaburn]

8:26:23 PM    comment [];

Many US internet users who download music do not care about breaking copyright laws, a survey suggests. [BBC | TECH]

7:50:55 PM    comment [];

Dying Trees......
Man, that would be upsetting. Can you at least water any close to the house ? The beetles probably will only attack the stressed ones. I suppose there's rationing if it's gotten that bad. - Danny [apple] 8/2/03; 6:34:26 PM
Actually I have a well that goes back about 30 years and there are no restrictions on it, but I follow the city watering restrictions just because I think they are is very frustratung because I have neighbors who fill their swimming pools and who water so much that the next morning I can see where the water overflowed and ran down the dirt road...very frustrating...Santa Fe has not been able to come up with a good water policy at seems that politicians just don't want to tackle the issues:
1. The developing and building business is big and it is one of the few ways that locals can earn a decent living.
2. It is an unpopular issue and as we all know, politicians don't like to tackle those....
7:50:23 PM    comment [];

For the last four years, Swedish company Electrolux has been developing a smart refrigerator with Web access. In the latest incarnation of the appliance, cell-phone users could remotely snap pictures of items inside their fridges. Is this the smart way to the future, or simply a gimmick bound to flop? By Elisa Batista. [Wired News]
I can't think of the advantage of having a "connected fridge". It would mean that I never have to leave the house. It would also mean I would not talk to the person at the cheese counter and discover a newly imported Italian cheese or organic Swiss Gruyere...Might as well confine ourselves to our houses and meet other people only via video-conference or Friendster...If you don''t like your local grocer it is time to move, because shopping for fresh food is a basic pleasure....
7:37:09 PM    comment [];

THE white pagoda is not just A white pagoda. Here's a 2000 picture. It is a crowded tourist attraction but at quiet times it feels serene and mystical. You feel the weight of its age. - Ole Eichhorn • 8/2/03; 2:52:24 PM
Thank you Ole!
5:46:33 PM    comment [];

A picture named SharpMD.jpg
Sharp continues to push the boundaries of sound quality and recording features with the new MD-DR7 recorder. This 24-bit MDLP recorder is the first portable to feature Sharp's now famous 1-bit digital amplifier for increased playback sound quality. The DR7 also boasts the longest battery record time of any portable (64hrs in LP4). This is also the first unit to be able to go back in time with the new Trace back recording, which allows for capturing up to 30 seconds of buffered sound before the recording is started...magic! Playback speed can be adjusted -30% - +15% ...perfect for learning those tricky solos or taking dictation. The "1-bit" digital amplifier combined with new polar headphone seperation gives fantastic sound quality for playback.
OK, I would like to have more than 30 seconds of buffered sound....3 to 5 minutes would be nice. And I would like to be able to use a hard-drive instead of recording to MiniDisc...but other than that it is great. 64 hrs of battery time! I might have to get me one.....Thanks Canton.
4:15:11 PM    comment [];

Northern New Mexico and other parts of the southern Rockies are experiencing a sea change with millions of piñons and other trees dead or dying from drought and opportunistic beetle infestations.
Some people see an upside in just about anything. Me, I love trees. Wanna buy my house?
1:27:42 PM    comment [];

White Pagoda
A picture named WhitePagoda.jpg
11:28:46 AM    comment [];

Summer of 1979
A picture named OL1979.jpg
11:06:56 AM    comment [];

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