Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, August 21, 2003

Yesterday's Sunset
A picture named Sunset20Augu.jpg
8:54:06 PM    comment [];

Luna Negra Mailing List
We sent out a first message from me to people who signed up on our mailing list.
1. A lot of people are using forced-reply spam blockers. For fun I filled a couple of them out, but in the future I imagine this will inhibit a lot of people from getting newsletters.
2. 100% of AOL addresses failed delivery -- I guess AOL doesn't like the bulk mail software I'm using.

I suggest to those of you using spam blockers that you might want to unblock mail from, which is where the mailing list messages are sent from - if you want to receive our those on AOL I really have no good suggestion to make....
8:42:43 PM    comment [];

Spiral Subwave Schtudio
My studio was built in 1994, but the design process started in 1992. I always felt that having my own studio meant independence and meant working under the radar of the record company. In 1992 I met an architect in Santa Fe who liked some of the same things I like: the Mexican architect Luis Barragan and Japanese architecture in general. We talked about what a studio would have to look like for me. In Spring of 1993 we flew the architect to Santa Barbara where we were recording "The Hours between Night + Day". He observed a few days of recording and then travelled to Lucasfilm in Marin where we had arranged a meeting for him with their studio designer and head engineer. They explained some of the art of building for sound to him and he came back to Santa Fe with a lot of great ideas. Much is in the details: 1. The building is actually two buildings - two adobe buildings are covered by a frame building. The Recording room and the Control room are two separate buildings set right next to each other.
2. The adobe plaster on the inside is unfinished, which means it is rough and won't reflect the sound as much as finished plaster would....
3. The wood used for the ceiling is rough and unfinished and reflects the sound just right
4. There are channels under the floor to run cables in every direction.
5. The floor is heated and covered with wood. Where I want to dampen the sound all I have to do is put a rug down.
6. There are four skylights in the control room, which can all be closed from inside during critical listening (these spaces could trap low frequencies)..
7. There are three windows to the outside which bring in light.

Albums recorded at Spiral Subwave Schtudio:
1995 Euphoria: Jon and I edited a few tracks for the album
1995 Viva!: recorded live, but mixed here (ADATs)
1996 Opium: recorded and mixed (2" 24 track analog recording mixed on DAT)
1997 Leaning into the Night: percussion and some guitar recording (2" 24 track analog recording)
1998 Innamorare: recorded and mixed (2" 24 track analog recording mixed on DAT)
1999 Christmas + Santa Fe: recorded, mixed and mastered (ProTools recording, mastered on CD)
2000 Little Wing: recorded, mixed and mastered (ProTools recording, mastered on CD)
2001In the Arms of Love: recorded, mixed and mastered (ProTools recording, mastered on CD)
2002 The Santa Fe Sessions: recorded, mixed and mastered (ProTools recording, mastered on CD)
2003 Nouveaumatic: a few tracks recorded and mixed, all mastered (digital recording, mastered on CD)
2003 La Semana (in progress.....)

9:17:36 AM    comment [];

Interesting article in Canada's National Post about Lifting the veil on gender apartheid. I didn't know this, but apparently the Islam jihab (headgear) which women wear is a recent invention, circa 1970, and has nothing to do with Islam as a religion. Fascinating...

[Critical Section]
Very informative piece of journalism. Not ancient.....only 30 years.....and inspired by catholic nun head gear....
7:47:30 AM    comment [];

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