Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Rain Catcher
A picture named Rain27Aug03.jpg

There are now over 93 gallons of wet goodness in each of three of these beauties....

8:04:03 PM    comment [];

Rain, rain, rain....
The most serious rain of the Summer - yet....just as the sun is setting
7:40:39 PM    comment [];

A better photo of the tea cup from MoMA
A picture named Teacup.jpg
7:01:54 PM    comment [];

EarthLink Inc. said Tuesday that it filed suit against two unsolicited commercial ("spam") e-mail rings with operations in the U.S. and Canada. The Atlanta, Georgia, ISP (Internet service provider) is suing to recover an estimated US$5 million in lost employee productivity and Internet bandwidth that it claims was spent managing more than 250 million e-mail messages sent from e-mail addresses on its network, according to Pete Wellborn, outside legal counsel for EarthLink. [MacCentral]

6:59:02 PM    comment [];

A picture named hat.jpgChindogu.Chindogus are highly useful japanese inventions Gyro Gearloose would be proud of. Like the 'hayfever hat' on the left. (Flash site) [The Cartoonist]
That's hilarious. The music is a perfect match as well.....
6:55:34 PM    comment [];

Police recover a car believed to have been used by a gang who stole a valuable painting by Leonardo da Vinci from a Scottish castle. [BBC News]

6:33:48 PM    comment [];

Researchers say eating dark chocolate raises antioxidant levels, but eating millk chocolate, or drinking milk with the confection, provides no benefit.

A German study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that eating dark chocolate can lower blood pressure. Other experiments show cocoa flavonoids may reduce harmful blood clotting properties and decrease low-density-lipoprotein (LDL), known as the "bad cholesterol."
There you have it....dark chocolate, red wine and good music is all you need... - thanks Carol
6:28:30 PM    comment [];

Honda Insight
After a racquetball game this morning I drove to Whole Foods to buy some supplies and ended up pulling into the parking lot right behind a Honda Insight. Sensing an opportunity to ask the driver's opinion of the car I followed him and parked right next to the silver Insight. Yes, he drove a stick shift (which gets 11 or 12 mpg more than the automatic Insight which already is no slouch at 57mpg) and didn't mind the short shifting the car prefers, yes he liked the car and it is more fun to drive than he had expected. All good news. The local dealer is trying to find a car for me to test drive and I hope that can happen before we go on tour mid September.
1:58:28 PM    comment [];

Oak Trees
A picture named Oaks.jpg

During the 2001 tour I picked up acorns in Texas, Pennsylvania, everywhere we went. Now I have 13 little Oak Trees.

8:11:53 AM    comment [];

Tea Cup
A picture named Tea-Cup.jpg

I may write like a woman...but my teacup is mas macho - designed by Isamo Noguchi.

8:10:45 AM    comment [];

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