Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, July 31, 2003

BA says the recent staff dispute has cost it up to £40m, as it unveils a loss of £45m from April to June. [BBC News]
Travel abroad now, before all of the airlines are gone?
8:39:28 AM    comment [];

My dog Arko
A picture named Arko.jpg
8:34:23 AM    comment [];

Slyck News seems to have found a pattern in just what files the RIAA is searching on to find offenders. It seems the RIAA is targeting a wide ... [Slashdot]
What would I do, if my songs were on that list? Could these artists have their attorney call the RIAA and ask that they not search by their name? How entangled a mess that would be considering that the record companies usually own the masters! Ah, clear skies are ahead for me, none of that BS....except for all my work from the past of course.
8:25:06 AM    comment [];

An Austrian parachutist becomes the first person to skydive across the English Channel. [BBC | TECH]

8:18:44 AM    comment [];

A futuristic new tool could make it easier for electronic musicians to pump out the jams live. The easy-to-use Audiopad had Barcelona clubbers making music almost immediately. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

8:17:32 AM    comment [];

According to an Environmental Working Group study, farmed salmon may carry high levels of cancer-causing chemicals called PCBs. The group has called upon the FDA to do it's own study and issue health warnings as needed. [Wired News]
Strike another food item off the list. And I thought I was being good by eating farmed Salmon instead of wild Salmon...
8:16:41 AM    comment [];

From today's NYT:
A California-based Internet service provider jumped into the contentious music-downloading fray late Wednesday, filing a lawsuit against the recording industry and questioning the constitutionality of the industry's effort to track down online music sharers. Pacific Bell Internet Services, based in San Francisco, is seeking a declaration that the subpoenas served against it by the Recording Industry Association of America are overly broad in scope and should have been issued from a California district court, not the District of Columbia. The complaint also seeks a jury trial to have the constitutional issues addressed.
This is going to get interesting.....
8:13:23 AM    comment [];

Take a look at this video: As the camera gets closer, an Octopus vulgaris that was camouflaged changes color to white and becomes visible. [iceplant radio]
That's amazing. If you had a bag made out of smart material that was able to camouflage itself like that you could leave your laptop in plain view and people wouldn't steal it because they couldn't see it...On the other hand this would be a spy/cop/peeping tom's wet dream, wouldn't it.
8:10:02 AM    comment [];

NEC says that within two years it plans to test market a new fuel cell that can power a laptop for 40 hours. [Gizmodo]

8:04:28 AM    comment [];

Plastic::Work::Food: The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports that recently purchased samples of farmed salmon in markets on the East and West Coasts of the U.S. were contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), at a rate higher than any other protein source. [Plastic]

7:56:48 AM    comment [];

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