Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Two colleges challenge legal requests to hand over the names of students accused of illegally downloading music.[BBC | TECH]

9:12:33 PM    comment [];

A picture named ottmar-backlight-2.jpg


7:20:49 PM    comment [];

Great idea for a great cause! Can we pay online with PayPal? - Ole
The short answer is no. The page we have put up lets you generate a raffle ticket and you send that in together with a check or money order. Pretty old-fashioned, I know, but we have our reasons.
Is this the Pimental guitar? I can't remember if you said that you were going to sell raffel tickets at your concerts?
No, it is not the Pimentel guitar. I got my first Pimentel the in Spring of 1989, after I had already recorded Barcelona Nights, Heart Still/Beating, Surrender 2 Love and others with the Burguet guitar. The guitar on the cover of NF is my first Pimentel guitar. I don't have either of the two Pimentel guitars Lorenzo Pimentel made for me. I sold one of them and the other was broken by an airline as I was flying to the Carribean to play at a friend's wedding. It was a tiny private island, without a music store and my friend had to do without music.....The answer to your second question is no, we will not sell raffle tickets at our concerts.
6:53:14 PM    comment [];

A classic film set in Venice - Summertime w/Kate Hepburn. A good old fashioned romantic movie. Makes me want to go there - before it's swallowed by the sea. - Susan • 7/23/03; 2:21:15 PM
Thanks for the movie suggestion! By all means you should go and see Venice because it is breathtaking, but the Italians saved the tower of Pisa from falling and they will figure out how to save Venice!
6:41:16 PM    comment [];

Yesterday's rain storms started 14 lightning fires in New Mexico.....
6:38:27 PM    comment [];

A new download site for PC users makes its debut, offering more than 300,000 songs from the five major record labels. But its licensing agreements leave it at a disadvantage to its Apple rival, iTunes. [Wired News]
1:35:26 PM    comment [];

Can you choose what material to use for a wrap? Since your product won't be on store shelves, maybe the parameters for tightness, tamper-proofness and clarity aren't the same. There are biodegradable plastic films like NatureFlex, made from cellulose, which was created for wrapping organic food products. - James • 7/22/03; 6:08:10 PM
Great idea. We are looking into this and if it is possible to use this stuff as shrink-wrapping, we will! Thanks!!
1:22:01 PM    comment [];

A picture named ProTools1 copy.jpg

Ottmar, If you can post a photo of your portable system would be great for amateurs like me. - Dominic • 7/23/03; 1:32:08 AM
I posted this photo on May 11th and the set up hasn't changed. The speakers are optional if I am doing editing, but pretty essential if I am mixing. The only difference between then and now is that I am running a newer OS on my laptop, a new version of ProTools and that I changed some of the default settings of the software

1:09:04 PM    comment [];

My mother recently came back from a trip to Venice. She claims it to be one of the most interesting cities in the world. To see people living amongst an almost submerged city would be surreal. Hey O why don't you take your new portable studio and lay down some tracks on one of those gondolas. Sound fun? lol. - Eric • 7/22/03; 10:59:51 PM

Hey, you haven't seen the world until you ride in one of those Venetian gondolas, Eric. It is a great experience, especially when you do it around sunset! Very romantic! But recording in one of those would pose certain problems, because I don't think they could support enough solar panels! : )
Did you know that gondolas are still handmade and can cost upward of $25,000? There is a German in Venice who makes some of the best gondolas.
12:32:55 PM    comment [];

A picture named sm-guitar.jpg

OK folks, let's all generate a little money for a good cause, Amnesty International and the Red Cross. I first started to play flamenco on this guitar. I played only this guitar from 1986 until sometime in 1989. I wrote all of the music for Nouveau Flamenco on this guitar and recorded about half of the songs with it. Who knows, maybe it contains some magic, because it sure turned my life upside down in just a few years......come and get it!!

12:26:13 PM    comment [];

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