Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, July 22, 2003

For centuries, St. Mark's Square has been slowly slipping closer to Atlantis. Here's how a massive system of floodgates could turn the tide. By Josh McHugh from Wired magazine. [Wired News]
Check out the movie Dangerous Beauty for great images of Venice.
10:35:23 PM    comment [];

Photographer and QTVR enthusiast Hans Nyberg points us to a new underwater panorama from Nelson Bay Australia by Mal Yeo
via [Boing Boing] [iceplant radio]

10:30:03 PM    comment [];

A picture named dali.jpgVirtual Dali. A wonderful website about the great surrealist. Via dublog. [The Cartoonist] [Mediaburn]

10:24:20 PM    comment [];

After a month of no moisture it rained in Santa Fe this afternoon. My rain catchers caught about 180 gallons of water! The smell of the air was totally intoxicating, filled with ozone and piñon and lavender...a little bit of heaven!
6:58:44 PM    comment [];

It worked. Here is what I did:
1. Newest Apple OS 10.2.6
2. Newest ProTools 6.1
3. Open up the Magma box and install the ProTools HD Core card in the top slot, and the Processor cards below that.
4. Hook up the I/O to the Core card in the Magma and connect Magma to laptop.
5. Turn on the A/D, then the Magma and wait for 30-60 seconds, then turn on the laptop.
6. Start up ProTools.
7. Go to Playback Engine and change the H/W Buffer to 512 samples (256 is default) and the DAE Playback Buffer to Level 4 (Level 2 is default). That worked for my 17" PowerBook. The Dual 1.25GHz G4 tower worked fine as well. I installed the PCI card for the Magma in slot #5 of the tower.
Now I ask myself: Where do I want to record/edit/mix today?
6:51:34 PM    comment [];

A picture named ReflBus.jpg

Reflections on the back of the truck in Park City

5:51:56 PM    comment [];

What a perfect rant opportunity! I hate the bone too. Never comes off cleanly, the "pull" tab is a mean joke, I'm always left with little shards of sticky plastic all over. And the shrink wrap these days seems impossible to unwrap without resorting to a knife. By the time I get the wrapping off, the jewel case is usually broken, and so are my fingenails too. I hope you can have some shrink wrap that is possible to remove without extra tools. - James • 7/22/03; 12:20:26 AM
Well, I would love to sell CDs without shrink-wrap, but I think that there are two issues here:
1. We need to find packaging that holds up to handling without showing finger prints or dents or like.
2. I believe that the public has been led to believe that product has to be virginal, untouched by any other customer - which means it has to be covered....
Maybe that is an attempt by corporations to add value to mass-produced items. On the other hand it is sometimes done to prevent shop-lifting. When you buy anything at Costco you need a chainsaw to get through the thick, hard plastic and you are lucky if you don't cut yourself. When you go to a "modern" supermarket everything is wrapped....but when you go to a farmers' market you get items that are handled by hand and placed inside a brown paper bag. Which is healthier? Most of us would agree that organic produce from a local farmer is healthier than super-packaged food that has been trucked in from another state....That reminds me: as a kid my mom would send me to a family, who in the middle of Cologne operated a little milk store. They would get milk in large containers from a Farmer and would pump it into bottles, pitchers or whatever people packaging whatsoever....
12:22:22 PM    comment [];

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