Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, June 29, 2003

You may or may not be aware of this but there is a file that you can download called 'Refuse' that will sync the reason software along w/ PT while both applications are open. It definitely makes the creation process easier and may help the syncing prob. Go to
Thanks for the suggestions, Eric. I will check out the soft synths you mentioned. My point was that I can't trust Reason to truncate the loop to the correct length when it exports it, and that means I might not trust most syncs. I hear that ProTools 6.1 will offer Reason sync via ReWire, which I imagine would be great to audition loops, but I guess the ear will be the final judge whether it sounds as smooth as re-cutting the loop on ProTools. You see, I am mad about the groove. I will re-record rhythm guitar parts many times if I find they are not completely in the pocket. A solid house must have a solid foundation....
11:02:21 AM    comment [];

Oh my deity! I must be bored today...but check out the photo of Eminem flexing his acting chops as Jacko...don't know how long the photo will be up on the above page and I don't have a peephole account - I am not that bored... : )
10:45:19 AM    comment [];

Apple's new 12-inch and 17-inch PowerBooks received the "Gold" Awa...
8:44:57 AM    comment [];

RE: Cellphone+camera+mp3 player+bottle opener
Sorry, I don't think it'd fly... It'd be hacked before reaching consumers' hands! Eric Case • 6/28/03; 4:54:19 PM

Wouldn't it be cheaper to make huge quantities of one phone than to offer several different models, which have to have different packaging etc.....? And don't you think the phone company knows what you are doing with your phone? Considering that T-Mobile can do this (via Gizmodo and BoingBoing):

T-Mobile is "updating" the new color Sidekicks, using their ability to modify the device over-the-air to remotely remove a bunch of the games that had come pre-installed. Which apparently means that they can pretty much do whatever they want to your Sidekick.....

8:44:46 AM    comment [];

Now you're starting to talk my language. When I heard 'Sao Paulo' on your Santa Fe Sessions, I thought "oh my god those are samples I used in my recordings!!!". Imagine how cool it is to hear one of your biggest influences in music use the exact same sounds you use! Anyway I mainly use Reason w/ Cubase SX. At the beginning when you first install Reason you should have the option to load the SB disc onto your hard-drive. Now I have had instances where I have had to reload the entire program but at some point it's probably something to do with your computer. Right now I mainly work off of software synths so if you have any other questions Please ask. P.S. I have some other really good recommendations for other soft synths as well. - Eric • 6/28/03; 10:01:00 PM
Yes, I copied the 2 soundbank CDs to my computer when I installed the program. It seems Reason asks for the soundbank CDs for verification...mind you, it doesn't do that every time I start the program, but too often for my taste. And please go ahead and recommend some soft synths you like. I use one or two, but am always on the lookout for nice textures. BTW, I haven't used Midi in several years....well, except too drive a synth from my guitar. All of the synthesizers on my albums are recorded live. The way I use Reason is that I export wav files of the sounds or loops I want to use. Then I import those into ProTools. This sounds arduous, but - wait 4 it - is very worthwhile because every program does the math slightly differently and I have noticed that when a song is not at 60, 90 or 120BPM (or any tempo that is divisible by 60 seconds....) the following happens:
When I import the Reason loop into ProTools and then blow up the visual to the max there is always a little that spills over the bar line. That tells me that by the end of a 5 minute song the loop would not be perfectly in sync with the rest of he music. Now, if I used Midi I could simply retrigger the loop every so many bars, but Midi is pretty inaccurate anyway. By surgically cutting the loop in ProTools to the perfect bar length I can assure that the rhythm is perfect. A little extra work, but well worth it IMO. When the tempo is divisible by 60 the Reason loops are perfect.
8:36:30 AM    comment [];

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