Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, June 16, 2003

Another brilliant idea from Canton: If somebody could please build us an audio recorder that works like a PVR (TiVo. Dish, Replay etc.) Video Hard Drive Recorder, i.e. it records all the time when turned on and always keeps the last minute or two in its memory....we could then wander around with headphones that double as stereo microphones and continuously sample the world.....when we have heard something we like we can start capturing - starting a minute or two ago!!!....(Almost like time travel isn't it!!!!)...You hear a cool sound and normally you have already missed it, but with this setup - tada!! you would hit the record button and record starting from before the sound happened!!!! You dig? And since sound uses a lot less bandwidth than video we would only need about 10MB per minute of CD quality stereo sound! That means no whirring harddrive (the one and only thing that bothers me about my Dish PVR) because we could use 256 or 512MB Ram cards like the ones we use in a camera. Those would be good for about 25 or 50 minute recordings, in other words plenty of time for most field recordings, interviews etc.....The PSR (personal sound recorder) could be pretty small I imagine...Hm, the technology could be coupled with an iPod (when the Ram card is full you simply dump it into the 30GB HD of the iPod)....Now that would be cool!! Can somebody please ask Apple to make something like this? Did you hear that? That was a cool mean this? Here it is! That was a cool lick he played on the it!
Now imagine other uses for this, because this could be pretty cheaply made in large quantities. The device could be built into a phone for example: if somebody threatens you, you turn on the PSR and it captures the sound starting from before the threat was made! When a policeman gets out of his vehicle he might have to hit the capture button so that evidence is recorded that includes the minute (or five) before he leaves the patrol car! It would also be an incredible tool for journalists...I can think of a thousand uses.....
9:39:43 PM    comment [];

I think the DJs are in the same thing like the radio stationts. They are ALLOWED to play those records. But this guy is selling them... dan • 6/15/03; 2:28:03 AM
Actually, they both pay for the right to play records. A radio station keeps strict records, called a play list, containing which songs they play and how many times they play them, and the writer gets a few cents for each radio play. A club pays a fee to BMI or Ascap for the same reason. They usually get a blanket license that allows them to play any record they like. They don't have to report that and the money they pay is distributed to all writers. The same goes for stores, cafes and restaurants. Sometimes they get surprised by a visit from an Ascap or BMI agent asking them to pay for an annual license if they play CDs. I believe if a restaurant plays radio they don't have to pay, because the radio station has already paid....something like that. If you put a bunch of tunes on an iPod and sell it you don't pay for the content at all, other than having purchased the music at some point. In this case this is not copying for a friend or for your car or similar - instead it is copying for profit, which is why I would think somebody will send the DJ a letter....Making a Compilation DJ CD is something else again, because here the DJ, or his agent negotiate a licensing fee per song with the writer/performer's agent or publisher. The performer/writer will then get a certain amount of money per CD sold.
3:05:12 PM    comment [];

Our show in Seattle next week has been cancelled. I am disappointed as I love our audience in Seattle and have many fond memories of playing at St. Michelle or The Pier. More on this in a few days.....
2:04:55 PM    comment [];

deadwood writes "Ever wanted to know what Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos really thought about the Segway the first time he saw it? At the Harvard Business School ... [Slashdot]

I hear they are renting Seqways in Vancouver and Spokane!!
2:02:08 PM    comment [];

Regarding Newport: I just want to make it clear that I don't mind the setting and mood in Newport (believe me I have performed in circumstances that were sooooooo much worse!), but I feel bad for people who go to the show and have to listen to their neighbors talk the whole time. However, I really can't offer a solution, because there is not much a promoter or artist can do. I think the members of the audience have to regulate that amongst themselves...
12:32:48 PM    comment [];

Had a chance to discuss copyright issues with a member of the US Congress after a show this week. Enjoyed the opportunity to present my view of the matter. Realized that this a very important time for America, because now the tracks for the future are being laid. A couple of hundred years ago the Forefathers created a Constitution that was way ahead of what any other nation had done. Similarly now is the time to look ahead and create laws that point to the future. I wonder how many of the elderly members of Congress and Senate even understand what the Internet is and represents. You see, I believe that the world is ever getting smaller and that in the future people will vote for countries by migrating to the places that are more attractive for their point of view or their lifestyle, their profession etc. - like we now migrate to a better cellphone plan every year or two. Patriotism for a home country will make way for patriotism for a chosen country which will make way for patriotism for the planet earth...and then Universal LOVE.....OK...maybe I need some sleep and a shower.....
11:27:05 AM    comment [];

Temecula Setlist:
01 Snakecharmer
02 Ballad 4 Santana
03 Tangos (new song for the next album)
04 Buleria intro/Duende del Amor
05 Turkish Night
06 Sao Paulo
07 Percussion Detour (Jon's Title)
08 Solea por Buleria (no title)
09 Morning Arrival in Goa
10 Funky Poet
11 Fullmoonbeachwalk
12 Ocean Blvd.
13 Heart Still/Beating
14 Barcelona Nights

I want to do the same set this afternoon (4pm show) because it will make it easier to remember all of the parts if we run it in the same order.....burried somewhere in my brain are something like 12 different arrangements for Barcelona Nights for example....and sometimes they are fighting : )
This is the same set we did in Ojai yesterday!
11:07:06 AM    comment [];

I love playing next to Lake Casitas in Ojai, Cali4nia. Tonight was wonderful. Our best show of the tour for sure....If I could, I would buy a trailer that unfolds into a stage like the one we were using today (I took a bunch of photos of the unfolding, which I will post later - very interesting) and travel from field to field in America, performing on our own terms, creating a good vibe....The moon was full and quite red above the lake, the audience was warm and welcoming...It's really so simple, isn't it. If you show us a little kindness and respect, we will play our hearts out...if you talk throughout the show and arrive late to your seats and don't seem to care we will still give you a good show.....but not quite as good.....
11:06:37 AM    comment [];

Newport Beach Setlist:
01 Snakecharmer
02 Ballad 4 Santana
03 Tangos (new song for the next album)
04 Turkish Night
05 Sao Paulo
06 Percussion Detour (Jon's Title)
07 Solea por Buleria (no title)
08 Morning Arrival in Goa
09 Funky Poet
10 Fullmoonbeachwalk
11 Heart Still/Beating
12 Barcelona Nights

The reason this set was 2 songs shorter (by about 25 minutes because Duende del Amor is very long) was that the Hyatt has a curfew and we couldn't start earlier. Nothing I can do about that. Funny: in Riverside yesterday I forgot to tune my guitar before the start of the show, but was able to tweak it during the first song and figured it was a good omen. In Newport tonight I forgot to put in my in-ear monitors and wasn't able to get them in until the first percussion break in Snakecharmer after the three verses. I kept thinking, the audience sure talks a lot here...and they are loud.....and then I realized I wasn't wearing my monitors... More of a garden party atmosphere in Newport. Even seconds before we were going on people wanted to talk, ask questions, shake hands. I hate to seem rude, but it makes it hard to concentrate and dial up the emotion for the music. I don't mind it, because I'll try to do the best job in the circumstances, but if I was in the audience wanting to listen to music, I might be upset. It's a matter of everyone having the same expectations: if the audience wants a garden party, I am happy to oblige, but you can't expect me to tear at my soul to go that extra mile if people are still shuffling to their seats 20 minutes into the concert...Please let me know: what do you think?
Hey, I think I said um and ah a lot less today and Ron was amazing!

11:03:59 AM    comment [];

Riverside Setlist:
01 Snakecharmer
02 Ballad 4 Santana
03 Tangos (new song for the next album)
04 Buleria intro/Duende del Amor
05 Heart Still/Beating
06 Sao Paulo
07 Percussion Detour (Jon's Title)
08 Solea por Buleria (no title)
09 Morning Arrival in Goa
10 Winding Road
11 Funky Poet
12 Fullmoonbeachwalk
13 Ocean Blvd.
14 Turkish Night
Encore: Barcelona Nights

I talked between Sao Paulo and the drum duet. I said um and ah a lot. I did at least mention most of the important stuff and received applause for some of it. The audience was kind, the theater sounds good. We had a great time. Very nice first show. I want to try swapping Heart Still/Beating with Turkish Night for the next show....might flow better
10:46:30 AM    comment [];

Took a little walk in Riverside. On Lemon Street I found several people watering their lawn at 12:45pm. One sprinkler seemed to be watering the neighbor's driveway mostly...I tell you, living in the high desert makes one very aware of these things. Rule of thumb: if you want to live where the grass is green move to Kansas, Hawaii, or Washington.....
10:46:12 AM    comment [];

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