Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, June 21, 2003

A picture named Light1.jpg

...and these are the shadows made by the mobile on the concrete floor.

5:38:10 PM    comment [];

A picture named Light2.jpgThis glass mobile hangs in a skylight of the Luther Burbank Center...

5:36:01 PM    comment [];

Hopefully settling matters, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Air Transport Association have commissioned a study to figure out whether or not it's dangerous to use cellphones in-flight.
[Via TechDirt][Gizmodo]
11:15:14 AM    comment [];

That's pretty cool to hear. I'm currently using a KSM 27 in my project studio for my flamenco guitar. Wish I had your mic-pres though!

Eno • 6/20/03; 11:36:18 PM

I tried carrying special microphone pre-amps a couple of years ago (my favorite pre-amp for recording my guitar is a Martech), in an effort to make our sound as good as it could be...I even brought my Neumann M-149 mikes....we discovered that the mike-pres in the Barney Board (the Midas Heritage mixing console we use is purple - hence it has been nicknamed the Barney Board) are so good that it doesn't make sense bringing the Martech because you cannot tell the difference in a live situation. Same is true for the Shure vs the Neuman - the difference wasn't worth carrying a very expensive microphone with us and exposing it to the hazards of the road. The Shure sounds excellent and wears well on the road....If you decide to tour you can rent a Barney Board through Delicate. When we do carry sound and lights we have only used equipment from Delicate since 1991, I think...maybe 1992?
11:05:58 AM    comment [];

The Bastille is such a wonderful place to have a concert. This evening's concert was great. The weather is never this perfect in June! It too bad there's a conflict with the owner. =( - Richard • 6/21/03; 12:17:00 AM
You are so right, it is a lovely spot. I understood the conflict to be this: the city of Hanford supports concerts at the Bastille, but some of the shops inside the Bastille claim that it is bad for their business. That could not possibly be true for the little deli because all of us ate there during the day...
10:50:07 AM    comment [];

Let’s say you’re torn between two worlds. You know that one is a fevered delusion that your mind has created and the other one is reality, but which is which? (Also, you can do accurate multiplication by hand.) Apply this algorithm in both worlds:

[Aaron Swartz]

When I was sixteen I had a friend who did this to determine when he was drunk...Europeans may legally drink at age 16 and may go to pubs and bars....
9:34:49 AM    comment [];

The Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa:
We have been looking forward to this show. The local crew is great and the hall sounds nice, the catering is very good and the audience is wonderful....all around goodness....
We arrived this morning and discovered that the LBC has free high speed internet and a new Meyer soundsystem. Excellent...that means my guys won't have to carry all of our soundsystem into the hall today!! A lovely day just got lovelier!
Post Script to yesterdays show in Hanford: We found out that the show was really badly advertised by the promoter. Some people arrived an hour after the show started because they had been alerted by friends that we were playing in town...a couple of ads during he week of the show just is not enough. The evening BTW was beautiful, the temperature perfect for playing guitar, even around 10pm.....
9:26:49 AM    comment [];

1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.
3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
[Gibson Blog]
That seems quite applicable to music as well!
1. Don't use a riff or rhythm that people are used to hearing all over the radio and will date your song and it will sound old too soon...Fashion-sounds are too soon out of Fashion....
2. Never use a long winded melody where a short and sweet one will do.
3. If it is possible to cut a note from the melody, cut it out. Don't trill for trill's sake.
9:17:31 AM    comment [];

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