Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, June 28, 2003

Tip 4 guitarists #5
Don't tap your foot! Many stages are hollow and your foot tapping will resonate back into your guitar microphone. And if you tap your foot in the studio you will most certainly hear it when you solo the track. Record several guitar tracks in this fashion and you will multiply the foot-tapping noise.....practice toe-tapping and try to practice doing it inside your shoe, rather than moving your shoe up and down (if you are the shoe-wearing kind)...Even though I mostly tap my toes instead of my foot I place my foot on a pillow when I record because a great mike (with great mike-pres) will record the noise.....of course you should be sitting on a good chair, not on a noisy chair like I did when I recorded "Passing Storm" for the album "Nouveau Flamenco" in 1989!! Can you hear the squeaking? You might have thought it was a percussion instrument.
2:38:35 PM    comment [];

The UN thinks wireless networks could help poorer nations narrow the digital divide.
1:46:03 PM    comment [];

Research firm InfoTrends predicts that digital cameras will almost completely have replaced reloadable film cameras by 2008, at least at the consumer level.
Read [Via PhotographyBlog]

1:42:43 PM    comment [];

"It's plain that the dinosaurs of the recording industry have completely lost touch with reality," said Fred von Lohmann, EFF senior staff attorney. [EFF: Press]
[via iceplant radio]
1:35:43 PM    comment [];

Cellphone+camera+mp3 player+bottle opener
From a conversation with Canton: What if we crammed all of those options into every cell phone and then the consumer could decide what he really needs. In other words you can use it as a cellphone, but if you want to use the camera feature all you have to do is pay an extra $20 for which you get a password that you enter into the phone and which unlocks the camera feature. Same goes for the mp3 player...unlock the feature by paying some money and receiving a code...
My point is that I might like a certain phone, but might not need or want all of the features...this way I could pay less, but would have the option of unlocking those features at a later time instead of having to buy a new phone.....
1:19:23 PM    comment [];

Reason Software
There has to be a better way!! I love the Reason software, but cannot stand how often it asks the user to prove himself as the owner by inserting the soundbank CDs. I find that very annoying. I would pay more money for a professional version that doesn't annoy me like that. Maybe Reason should adopt the digital key system DigiDesign is using? It's faster and easier....
1:18:55 PM    comment [];

Secret Garden Vineyard in Eugene, Oregon:
I wake up in the middle of a field. There are a lot of vines alright, but they are overgrown with grass...? The owner approaches and asks me whether she should wear ruffles tonight. Sure, that would be great, I say and get back on my bus. I will hide out and watch from my bunk, which has a window.....
Later, after some coffee I venture outside the bus once more and the owner is really a nice lady with an amazing garden - I will upload some photos later....
1:17:42 PM    comment [];

Showtime in Bend
My guitar got hot this evening as the sun was setting stage-right and bathed us in light. I didn't know what would happen as the DeVoe guitar has never been this hot, but it behaved very well. For the second set the temperature was near perfect though. I meant to tell the audience how much I liked their town, but somehow forgot...Tonight I announced Ron as the Acoustic Percussionist and Canton as the Electronic Percussionist and a wave of understanding came over the audience and people nodded their heads and shouted hallelujah, now we know what that guy does...we thought he might be live day-trading the Asian markets for Ottmar....nod - buy, shake head - sell, turn foot in circular motion - check out the European stock exchanges....
I should not forget to mention that Breck Morgan's catering was excellent and that we hope to see more of him as he is into following our buses and doing a few shows in a row next year...this reminds me of a funny story:
When we toured with Luna Negra XL between 1997 and 2001, a fan somewhere asked our cotton tech (merchandise handler) whether the XL meant that I had gained weight...well, no....but in 1997 the band grew from a quartet to a nonet and to distinguish the new band I called it extra large.....not me....the band!!!
1:16:26 PM    comment [];

I also discovered this music project that does the same sort of thing, mixing Flamenco with DJ, beats, and electronica. You can download MP3z from the link on the left of the Quicktime/video pic: Digitano
This is a summary from Flamenco-World

- D (Hope it was OK to put the links, if not, I understand if they're removed)

Thanks for letting us know about Digitano. I hadn't heard anything about this band, but know of some of the individual musicians from other projects. Nice word play on Digital and Gitano (spanish word for Gypsy)...
also...Canton and I decided a couple of months ago that there might be a need for Flamenco D'n'B and that we would like to fulfill that need in the near future...
1:10:43 PM    comment [];

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