Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Conversation w a roadie brought up bands and singers using computers to supply 64 tracks of everything from backing vocals to extra instruments to safety vocals (in case the singer has trouble hitting the high notes that night)....I am not going to mention names here, but it is very wide-spread in the touring industry. I would however like to point out that we do not use backing trax in this year's show. Canton works like a DJ, bringing in loops and starting and stopping them manually. That is where I would draw a very fat line. I will not play to a backing track (OK, I admit I have done that a couple of times - for German TV and for Mexican TV.....) because it kills inspiration. Inspiration is where one of us needs to extend his solo because he is onto something....something you can't do if you play to a backing track because you have to adhere to the pre-recorded form for the song......
1:13:49 PM    comment [];

Regarding the raffle:
1. Yes, it will happen and it will happen soon.
2. I decided that we will not sell the raffle tickets at our concerts - instead it will be announced on our web site in July and will be available to any and all via mail.
3. You will get to choose whether your 10 bucks will go to the International Red Cross or Amnesty International by sending us a money order made out to one or the other and a plain piece of paper with your name and address or contact phone number or email address. Maybe we will post a form on our site that you can print and fill out.
4. When we announce the raffle in July we will pick a date in November on which we will ceremoniously and of course blindfolded choose the winner of the Nouveau Flamenco guitar. I will pay for shipping the guitar within the USA, but for international shipping you will have to kick in some money. Sound good?
8:52:31 AM    comment [];

...also see William Gibson's Blog.....1983 I was in a rock band in Boston by night and a bicycle messenger for Marathon Messengers by day. I lived in a loft on Stanhope Street near Copley Square that didn't have a shower (solved that problem by joining the gym around the corner - the combo of riding about 30 miles per day and working out in the gym meant I was in the best shape of my life)...In other words: I could not afford any of these gizmos in 1983!
7:59:47 AM    comment [];

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