Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, June 24, 2003

It sure would be nice to have some photos as momentos...but I'm sure you'd have at least one flash from some camera at every show. And what about the sound of motor drives? james • 6/24/03; 9:53:05 PM
There is always more than one flash now!!...Would you hear a motordrive?? Depends on the dynamics of the good, people are still using film??? That's madness I tell you!! ; ) Even formerly hardcore film junkies like Greg Gorman now shoot 80-90% electronically. And if Greg says that the digital image has finally outpaced analog film I take that as gospel. I saw the same happen in music....Man, I hated darkroom work in artschool!!
10:27:11 PM    comment [];

At Bellatazza on Wall Street in Bend you can have great espresso and cappuccino and free wireless internet!! Hm, this town has it all: great coffee at Bellatazza, great drinks and good tapas at Barcelona. And a gorgeous river, friendly people....breakfast at Alpenglow is also highly recommended...I might have to call a realtor and a moving company tomorrow!
9:01:04 PM    comment [];

Apple's new ad campaign for the iPod in Japan, which features the slogan "Hello iPod, Goodbye, MD", a reference to Sony's Mini Disc player.[Gizmodo]
I never thought that Sony developed the true potential of the MD. As I have said before it would have been such a great tool (before CD-Burners became cheap) if we could have had the option of uncompressed audio (If I remember correctly about 15-20 minutes of CD-Quality sound rather than the 75 minutes of compressed audio) on MD recorders. I think Sony dropped the ball there. I wonder how Sony feels about their purchase of Columbia Records and Columbia Pictures now. Those divisions have certainly hampered the development of Sony hardware....
8:53:43 PM    comment [];

Ottmar: I am trying to figure out a new policy regarding cameras....I don't mind cameras, but I do mind flash photography. It bothers me because it intrudes on the rest of the audience and on the performer. It crosses a boundary...the click is inaudible at a concert, but the flash is a big deal if somebody has their eyes closed and is digging the music...
Canton: Understood. The thing that bums me out about flash photography is that I suspect the majority of people who use flashes at concerts -- or worse yet, in museums, where the flash degrades the oil paint -- wouldn't mind turning off their flash if they only knew how to operate their camera. I'm not sure how manufacturers could make it easier than the lightning-bolt symbol they have on most Instamatics...Each time I see a sign that says "Flash photography is not allowed" I wish I had a sticker to put on the sign that instructed people how to actually turn it off. Somehow, I think, when people don't have the knowledge, they end up feeling *justified* to use flash.
8:35:25 PM    comment [];

According to a Swedish study's findings, hands-free cell-phone technology does not reduce the risk of car accidents because it is primarily the distraction of the phone conversation that can lead to dangerous driving. [Wired News]
I think that some people are better at doing more than one thing at a time than others. Multi-tasking is not for everyone. Ask yourself: Can I drive and talk? Can I drive and look for the ringing phone? Can I drive and dial a phone number with my eyes flickering between the phone and the street? Where are your limits? I have been face to face with 3 drivers who were coming towards me in my lane and talking on the phone. After honking they veered back into their lanes, but 2 of these incidents were frighteningly close.....
4:40:51 PM    comment [];

Some photos from the Mountain Winery show last week. Here is the blog the images are from:
Thursday's concert blew my mind. Dom had two free tickets because he used to go to school with from Canton Becker (a friend of a friend), the DJ currently touring with Liebert. The show was at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, on a mountainside overlooking the entire South Bay area. Unfortunately they didn't allow cameras into the concert, but I snuck in my camera phone and snapped a few. Unfortunately the weather was a tad chilly, so Ottmar didn't go off on any wicked fast flamenco riffs... But what I heard was so amazingly tight and together it was surreal.

3:33:39 PM    comment [];

My DeVoe guitar stays in tune unbelievably well. One of the reasons must be the fact that Lester uses some kind of composite inside the neck to strengthen and stabilize it. That also insures that the action of the strings doesn't change with the humidity. Well, the real test for that is playing in Florida in a few months...there I usually have to either put up with a plunky sound or use a higher bone in the bridge to raise the action. Reminder: if you travel with your guitar, ask your luthier to give you a few bones of different heights. Lester shipped his guitar to me with three different ones he labeled medium, low and extra low. He also included an extra peg and something that looks like a lipstick which keeps older pegs gliding smoothly....I promptly forgot to bring it on this tour.....
12:36:53 PM    comment [];

Congrats to OL for owning his own music.
It only took me a dozen years (from 1990-2002) to own my music masters.... : ) In the Arms of Love is the first recording I own.
I love OL music when I'm getting a massage!
Have you tried In the Arms of Love? It works great for massage...I had several massage therapists work with the music and make suggestions for the sequencing. I think it works equally well for massages and for being stuck in a traffic jam!!
Where did that skins player come from? Wow, can that guy play!!
Yes, he is awesome. I started working with Ron Wagner, who lives in Los Angeles, in 1996. He was in the Opium quartet in 1996 and in the XL bands in 1997 and 1999.
12:33:23 PM    comment [];

Bend, Oregon is a very nice little town, not unlike Santa Fe in a different climate. Wouldn't mind spending more time here. Maybe even a lot more time....
9:16:11 AM    comment [];

It would definitely bring road rage to a new level - it would be easier to punch one another. On second thought, perhaps that would reduce road rage a bit... = )
Jody • 6/24/03; 5:25:41 AM
It would be so eerily quiet - that would mellow people + women silently gliding on their Segways along tree-lined streets, drinking coffee and listening to music on their iPods or checking their email (since this is a dream, WiFi is also broadcasted throughout the city)...
9:13:44 AM    comment [];

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