Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, June 7, 2003

Clear Channel - famous for owning more than 1,200 radio stations in the United States, also own 36 TV stations in 28 cities and are the world's leading event promoter (through their subsidiary SFX?). In 2001 they sold 66 million tix for 26,000 events.....I am trying to wrap my head around these numbers and it is simply stunning.....sounds like one-stop shopping to break a new boy band across the nation - or even a politician?
1:18:39 PM    comment [];

Rehearsals - Day 3: Ron brought two Berimbaus. This instrument is about as primitive as instruments come. A string attached to a bow with a gourd as an amplifier. One of my favorite moments of the show is a new section for the show-opener Snakecharmer where Ron's Berimbau creates the perfect contrast to Cantons laptop loops. Extreme contrast of old and new. Primitive vs hi tech. When you watch the show, check out the lights in front of Canton. He wrote a nice piece of code for them and each light represents a loop being turned on. Light off - no sound.....light on - sound. You can visually follow what he is doing....if you want to open your eyes......
1:18:10 PM    comment [];

Peas in a Pod [ via Gibson Blog]

Ottmar says: Clothes identify a person to their elected tribe. Doesn't work for me because I get bored wearing the same clothes all the time and would thus probably confuse the tribes.....
Canton says: It would be nice seeing one person wearing all these different uniforms to see how it changes the person....
1:09:28 PM    comment [];

A picture named

Development of a cover pt.5 - Here it is, SSRI logo added....
9:10:11 AM    comment [];

George Ziemann, editor of MP3NewsWire, is serializing a fascinating series of essays about the history of copyright on music and movies, and drawing particular attention to the way that today's copyfights echo the mistakes that Edison made.

It's funny that the record labels and especially the movie industry don't see the irony of history. The Hollywood companies that are now trying to use every possible and impossible way to hinder the evolution of the Internet, are the very same independent companies that 100 years ago moved to Hollywood to be out of reach of Edisons agents.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

(via /.) [BoingBoing]

There you have it...all in one neat article...copyright, the issues, the history...what happens now?
8:07:47 AM    comment [];

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