Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, June 5, 2003

Milwaukee is getting free WiFi in two of its parks, courtesy of city government.

7:26:16 PM    comment [];

A picture named 06.jpg
A picture named 04.jpg

These two designs were from the first round also - I picked the third one you saw earlier. I love how fast this works. Chad at EPOS is working in Santa Monica and I am here in Santa Fe and we have already gone through all of this in one day......Hm, the one w/o the guitar is growing on me!! It has that old movie poster look.....the other one reminds me of the Stone Temple Pilots for some reason...It says Grunge Song Writer to me.....where is the bottle of J.D.? You can't have a great voice w/o whiskey and cigarettes - which is why I don't sing!
12:37:01 PM    comment [];

A picture named 03.2.jpg

Development of a cover pt.3 - Here is the new revision with a different font. I don't like the grid in the gray area at the top though....
12:30:13 PM    comment []; is offering an iPod Internal Battery Replacement Kit, which is designed for the "classi... [MacNN]
11:59:11 AM    comment [];

I always curious what artists do with all of that idle time on the road in the bus. You'll have to give us the "fly on the wall" perspective. Do you write music? Have jam sessions with the other band-mates? Do you sleep a lot? Watch movies? Read? - Carolynn • 6/2/03; 2:53:25 PM

I read Neal Stephenson's fantastic 650 page book Cryptonomicon on one tour....honestly, it depends on what sort of PR is to be done. Sometimes I am driven to a hotel near the airport and while the band gets back on the bus and rides to the next show I sleep for a couple of hours, then take a very early flight to the next city to make an early morning TV show appearance, then catch up with the band for soundcheck, then catch a nap before playing the show and doing it all over again....Then there are phone interviews to be done - at least we can do those via cell phone now, rather than having to stop the bus at a truckstop to use a payphone!!! Then there are long nights of hanging out on the bus...we do watch a lot of movies, listen to music...Jon might compose on a keyboard and I might be working on musical ideas on my laptop....Jon can practice bass on the bus, but I get motion sickness from practicing on the bus - oddly enough I can read and work on a computer, however.....PG rated bus events include Carl Coletti channeling some alien language in 1996 after Jon mixed the drinks too strong, or Ron Wagner amazingly reciting the Jive-talking scene in the movie Airplane from memory....
11:36:25 AM    comment [];

I like the third design too. What is that in the background? A ladder?
Enolius • 6/5/03; 9:09:58 AM

Hm,'s a guitar fretboard.....but a ladder is good also, I guess. Lots of ladders in New Mexico.....pueblo design.....or do you think it makes me look like a chimney sweeper? I am looking upwards as if checking out an old chimney on the roof, don't I?
11:33:40 AM    comment [];

One solution in particular that we ask Congress to consider is the Public Domain Enhancement Act. See This statute would require American copyright owners to pay a very low fee (for example, $1) fifty years after a copyrighted work was published. If the owner pays the fee, the copyright will continue for whatever duration Congress sets. But if the copyright is not worth even $1 to the owner, then we believe the work should pass into the public domain.

Makes perfect sense to me. I signed the petition online this morning. I'm #8813.
10:53:50 AM    comment [];

Hilarious! The Matrix is a big can we sell more Neuromancer it!! We'll add Matrix on the cover.....How?....we'll find a way!
Gibson explains here.
10:10:56 AM    comment [];

Regarding the mini CD 3 is 4 good luck:
Hope you don't wonder anymore why fans from outside the US are eager to get this one (even if its songs will be on "Nouveaumatic" too)! You do a good job in advertising this one - something the CD doesn't need because it looks brilliant ... (as the music will be)
Boris Bartels • 6/4/03; 11:24:07 AM

I think I would like to do more special commemorative packages like 3 is 4 good luck. Maybe a different package for every major tour? And of course with a different song selection and cover for the next Australia/New Zealand tour. As for Europe, it is unfortunately pretty complicated.....we can't tour in Europe unless we get offers from local promoters. Promoters won't make an offer unless they know that we can sell a certain amount of tickets and they don't know that unless they see a certain amount of record sales or publicity. That of course depends on people hearing my music, which depends on radio/TV/magazines etc.....I think most likely we will tour in Italy next, because we have been getting offers from there, but haven't had the right timing together....And if customs doesn't prove too big a drag we will bring special mini CD albums with us - a different design of course.....
10:00:49 AM    comment [];

A picture named nmatic3.jpg

Development of a cover pt.2 - This is my favorite of 3 ideas the designer returned to me today. I like it a lot, but would like to change the font and use only lowercase letters
9:40:39 AM    comment [];

A picture named nmatic2.jpg
A picture named nmatic1.jpg

Development of a cover pt.1 - These are two ideas I had for the cover of the nouveaumatic album. I emailed them to the designer.
9:31:32 AM    comment [];

Speaking of diversity in media - Disney owns most of House of Blues, which is the biggest promoter in the USA. House of Blues bought MCA which was the biggest promoter in Canada...

Please support your local independent promoters.
9:24:34 AM    comment [];

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