Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, June 2, 2003

For the month of May we have added three more LAVA songs as well as three songs from a 1999 concert bootleg of OL + Luna Negra XL2. I recently found dozens of board tapes from as far back as 1992 and we will slowly release a lot of them...while you are there you can sign up for our mailing list. That list will become very very important as we start selling from our web site and at concerts only. It will also become important because a lot of the smaller radio stations that played our music are falling by the way side. Next year, if you don't hear about our concert in your city - you haven't signed up for our mailing list!
9:59:35 PM    comment [];

Jonathan Ive, Apple's chief design guru, has been named "Designer of the Year" by London's Design Museum, picking up a prize of £25,000... [MacMinute]
9:53:06 PM    comment [];

The last week before leaving on tour is so hard! There is so much to do and so much to remember. Once we are on the bus and the chips are down it's OK. It's the build-up to that which is maddening. I will try to continue this diary from the road and hope to add some photos from the shows as well.
10:56:05 AM    comment [];

Dan Gilmore on today's FCC vote: The shameful lack of coverage of this issue, especially by the broadcasters and media conglomerates that stand to gain the most, is a red flag.

It is simple IMO, more diversity in media means you can hear more kinds of music, you get more in4mation and more different opinions and that means you have choices.....
6:37:36 AM    comment [];

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