Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Sitting in the cafe Bellatazza in between soundcheck and the show, checking my email and having a double espresso. I really like Bend...I will be back for sure...
3:01:49 PM    comment [];

OK, that's it. From now on I am going to call Canton an electronic percussionist instead of a DJ. Maybe the term DJ leads people in the wrong direction...I admit that we are using an unusual set up, in fact I believe it is pretty unique and that I have never seen/heard anybody do something like this...but is it really that hard to understand for a non-musician? I assume it is easily possible...Trust me, this is very cool and cutting edge and musical and in a few years you will see more bands do something similar...and then you can say I saw Ottmar do this ages ago...
3:01:20 PM    comment [];

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