Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, June 13, 2003

A local Philidelphia DJ is selling iPods with custom playlists to various clubs, restaurants, and ot... [MacNN]

How long b4 he gets sued by a publisher? Anybody taking bets?
1:44:52 PM    comment [];

Wednesday: we arrive in Riverside in the morning. The crew sets up the P.A. and lighting and by the time everything is working it is late afternoon. We stumble through the set, all of us making lots of mistakes....I am able to get on the net with my cell phone, connected to my laptop via bluetooth, but I can't post to my diary.....
Thurday: We went through the show three times today starting at 10am, then again in the afternoon and for our first performance in the actually sounded pretty great tonight....I mean, I can't think of anybody doing something like this....I think it sounds very musical....
1:41:02 PM    comment [];

Just popped my lateset OL cd, "Songs From The Lounge", in the car last nite. Sounds excellent! Much better than on my cheesy computer speakers. I can hear the more subtle sounds like the slide guitar (dobro?) on lava-untitled-1 much clearer. Good luck on the road. -Dave

Yes, folks, go ahead and burn yerself CDs from the free downloads. That's what they are there for!
1:37:49 PM    comment [];

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