Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, June 23, 2003

Scooterman is a London-based service, wherein drunk people call a number, and a guy on a folding scooter comes over to the bar, puts his scooter in the trunk of their car and drives it and them home.
11:31:59 PM    comment [];

Imagine if a city like Los Angeles had traffic jams filled with segways! :0
Eno • 6/16/03; 9:00:55 PM
It would look like the racing scene from Ben Hur?
3:43:23 PM    comment [];

Volkswagen is planning to make Phatnoise's Digital Car Audio System an option in its new automobiles. Phatnoise is basically a car stereo that plays MP3s. You just transfer MP3s from your PC onto these 20GB cartridges which you then pop into a docking station in the back of your car, letting you bring your music collection with you.

[Via A Whole Lotta Nothing] [Gizmodo]
3:41:32 PM    comment [];

A picture named marclay_guitardrag_b.jpg That's hard 2 watch...but hm, I would love to hear what it sounds like - assuming it's an electric guitar and it is hooked up to an amp while being dragged around....
3:37:48 PM    comment [];

P. S. - What is WiFi? (embarrassed to ask...) Carolynn • 6/23/03; 3:21:56 PM
Don't be. It is wireless internet that is in this case broadcasted throughout this hotel. Anyone who has a WiFi antenna built into their computer can go online at very pleasant speeds...Many cafes around the country are offering this to their customers, some city parks such as two parks in Milwaukee are offering this, and in most airports you can surf on the wireless waves - but there ya hafta pay for the privilege.....
3:31:17 PM    comment [];

Sacramento: last minute change...instead of dropping Duende del Amor we drop Turkish Night in the first set and the Solea por Buleria that starts the second set...
2:59:57 PM    comment [];

To all of the disappointed concert goers in Sacramento:
1. This was a Luna Negra concert, not a Luna Negra XL concert and it was billed as such.
2. I am tired of touring with the big band. The smaller ensemble focuses more on the guitar and that is what I want to be doing at his time.
3. Can't make everyone happy...when we tour with the big band people want to hear a smaller ensemble, when we tour with the quartet people ask for the big band...please, folks, it's not rocket science: if you have a preference for the smaller or larger band, please check the local listings or check on our web site and you will know which band is currently touring. And no, I do not take requests : )
4. The sound of this quartet isn't very different from the 1996 Opium tour quartet, the only difference is that in 1996 we had a drummer using an electronic kit and this year we have a DJ who triggers sounds and loops. We do not use a backing track and don't use a click track and we certainly don't play a CD in the background as one concert goer assumed. The DJ starts all of the loops manually. When we stop and start in Ballad 4 Santana or Morning Arrival in Goa, Canton manually stops and starts with us. The computer is a musical instrument and not a device that replaces other musicians.
5. I am writing this sitting in a hotel in beautiful Bend, Oregon that has free WiFi throughout the hotel! Very cool.
2:59:38 PM    comment [];

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