Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, May 31, 2003

I have been asked about my Spaghetti Carbonara recipe. I have been cooking this dish for many years now and don't adhere to measurements, but here goes:

- boil a box of De Cecco Spaghetti according to the instructions on the box

- cut half a package of Louis Rich Turkey Bacon (probably neither natural or organic, but tasty) into small squares and fry in a pan with a little olive oil and two cloves of garlic. When the bacon is crisp, add about half a cup of white wine and after bringing it to a boil, turn down and simmer

- in a large bowl mix 3 eggs (some people use only the yolks, but I like to use whole eggs) with grated romano and parmeggiano cheese (about a cup each), black pepper to taste and finely chopped flat leafed parsley (also called Italian parsley). You can use this whisk - it works very well......

- here comes the big will have to do this rather fast or the eggs will become solid, rather than coat the pasta:
drain the spaghetti and mix into the bowl with the eggs and cheese and parsley....the heat from the pasta will cook the eggs, which will coat the pasta....add the bacon/garlic/white wine to the bowl and mix in. At sea level this will all happen beautifully, but at higher altitudes, like Santa Fe (over 7,000 feet) I like to be careful regarding the eggs and therefore place the bowl in the oven at 250 degrees for about 5-8 minutes to ensure that the eggs are cooked. (Another trick I learned from a chef is to put the eggs into boiling water for just a few seconds before cracking them open - that is supposed to kill any bacteria which apparently resides on the outside of the shell, not usually inside....)

This should feed about 3-4 people. Leftovers taste great the following day.
11:44:29 PM    comment [];

The best way to foster creativity in the digital age is to overhaul current copyright laws. - Great article in the Economist, suggesting we return to the original term of copyright: 14 years plus one extension.

via Lessig
11:20:19 PM    comment [];

A picture named StefanMotoCross.jpg

What is your brother up to? That's Stefan jumping his motorcycle.....I looked at the photo, which is un-edited and can't figure out from where to where is jumping.....looks crazy to me in any case...
10:54:13 PM    comment [];

From Sarah Lai Stirland's post: A picture of the current concentration.

[Lessig Blog]

Basically the board of Clear Channel can reach 54% of all Americans aged 18-49. Wow, that's amazing!
6:45:05 PM    comment [];

First it was Nokia and Mastercard, now Visa and Philips are working on a wireless payment system that would let you pay for things with a cellphone. Are American Express and Motorola up next? - [Gizmodo]

They have had a similar service in Scandinavia already for a couple of years. I read about airport vending machines where one could get a bottle of soda by dialing the number displayed on the machine...
4:16:24 PM    comment [];

Studio Update: Got the repaired 2nd processor card back from DigiDesign and installed it this afternoon. Now the HD3 system is complete and running beautifully - albeit not travel-worthy since the Magma is not working yet. Started working on a piece to be used as a fanfare before our show. I am using "Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss because I find its connection to the movie 2001 (the dancing satellites!) so evocative. By the way J. Strauss wrote over 500 songs, mostly dance tunes and mostly waltzes.....I don't think nowadays anybody comes close to writing and orchestrating that many pieces. If you put 10 of his songs on one album - especially considering that some of them are over 10 minutes long - he would easily fill 50 CDs. That's a serious body of work! Anyway, I am adding all sorts of modern noises and sounds to the waltz in order to create a contrast between the 19th and 21st Centuries....
4:15:01 PM    comment [];

Exhibition of DaVinci drawings in Paris.....wish I was there to see it.....
4:03:21 PM    comment [];

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