Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, May 27, 2003

DrLudicrous writes "The NYTimes is reporting that the platinum-iridium standard mass for the kilogram is shedding at an appreciable rate -- at least compared ... [Slashdot]

Here is a direct link to NY Times article (sign-up required). Very interesting piece of history. The Kilogram was apparently cast in England in 1889...
8:13:52 AM    comment [];

My new favorite kitchen tool from Oxo! Easier to clean than a regular whisk and great for all whisking uses.... Outside a light rain - perfect for the freshly planted Butterfly bushes in the yard, inside Louis Armstrong's Greatest Hits on the stereo and I am making my version of Spaghetti Carbonara for dinner...
7:57:02 AM    comment [];

Santa Fe Walks - I have been toying with concepts that would make CD packages more interesting and one of my ideas is recording a walk through Santa Fe, ambient sounds combined with my comments and maybe some background music....the idea actually harks back to when I was a teenager: I thought it would be so cool to invite people to a party by sending them a cassette with instructions that were perfectly timed....e.g. take a right at the next intersection, drive exactly turn left...etc...
The tempo of the background music could establish the walking pace and then my comments would be perfectly timed to the surroundings a person would see while listening to the CD...the SFe Walk could be on a second CD in a double CD package....
7:55:20 AM    comment [];

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