Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, May 20, 2003

cobaltblueAIBO.bmpIt's the fourth anniversary of the AIBO robotic dog, and to mark the occasion Sony's releasing some new software for it called "AIBO EYES" and a introducing a new cobalt blue-colored AIBO. AIBO EYES will let you send your little robot an email and then automatically receive back a JPEG of what it's looking at with its eyes at that moment (hence the name). You can also use the software to remotely trigger your AIBO to deliver a pre-recorded message to someone, the perfect way to deliver unpleasant news from thousands of miles away.
Read [Via Slashdot]

10:36:39 PM    comment [];

Experts gathering at the Stanford Graduate School of Business examine what technology's growing effect on the entertainment industry may mean for the creative process. [CNET]

10:36:23 PM    comment [];

A new all-you-can-eat music download service that claims to take advantage of a loophole in Spanish copyright law will launch Tuesday and has teamed with Grokster for distribution. [CNET]
7:45:27 AM    comment [];

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