Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, May 11, 2003

I don't know whether I like the new design. I love the simplicity of the older iPod with the single control wheel and no buttons...I might have to look for an older 10 or 20 GB iPod to go with the Burton Amp jacket I got for Christmas - wonder whether they will go for a premium because they are no longer made.....of course I checked out the Apple Music Store: several of my recordings for Epic are available, but none of the Higher Octave released or distributed records...what's going on?
7:44:47 PM    comment [];

The material girl's foul-mouthed revenge on music traders could be interpreted as a deceptive trade practice, or even outright fraud.
5:28:48 PM    comment [];

A picture named ProTools2.jpgA picture named ProTools1.jpg

This is the SSRI mobile rig for recording and editing - assuming that it will all work together....
Two self-powered Genelec speakers, the DigiDesign A/D converter at the bottom, the Magma box with the PCI cards above that, and the laptop. If I was to record guitar I would add a microphone and the Martech pre-amp to this set-up.
6:37:12 AM    comment [];

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6:36:51 AM    comment [];

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