Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, May 29, 2003

The New York Times looks at the success of the Apple iTunes Store: "Apple Computer seems to have the ... [MacNN]
10:50:35 AM    comment [];

kiro.jpgResearchers at the University of Freiburg in Germany have worked long and hard to build... a robot that can play foosball:

KiRo is a completely autonomous table soccer playing robot: using a camera it perceives the playing field and, depending upon the current game situation, it decides how the rods under its control should be moved.
I suppose that eventually they're going to build robots that can play (and beat) humans in every game just to prove that it can be done, but a foosball robot?
Read [Via Slashdot]


Amazing....haven't played Foosball in ages. I think every German pub has one of these.....
10:50:23 AM    comment [];

Very nice NY Times article on the Formula 1 race in Monaco this week-end. I admit I have been to Monte Carlo a couple of times and have driven a rental car along he streets that are used for the race and yes, I do get up at 5:30am to watch F-1 races live on TV.
9:49:07 AM    comment [];

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