Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, May 19, 2003

The BBC has an article on how Lego blocks brought a dead PowerBook 603e back to life... [MacMinute]
8:14:28 PM    comment [];

A picture named EarlyShow2.jpg Photo taken from TV on Saturday - Thanks Salma
6:28:51 PM    comment [];

Yes folks, it is Adrift in Tangier from the album The Hours between Night + Day . I guess David Lee Roth is a fan.....
4:15:17 PM    comment [];

Response to a comment regarding the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano. No, I don't think we will go back there - unless it changes quite a bit....We used to call it the Roach House, because coming from the back parking lot we would walk through the kitchen and....'nuff said.....
I have to admit the audience created a wonderful atmosphere in the place, but I don't think they were treated very well....just my opinion....
4:08:58 PM    comment [];

A picture named ViewFromRoom.jpg View from a room.....
4:01:41 PM    comment [];

A picture named 8thStreet.jpg

Window on 8th street, next to Electric Ladyland, Jimi Hendrix' old studio in Greenwich Village....
3:58:41 PM    comment [];

It's about a decade old........
11:19:44 AM    comment [];

Our sound engineer send me this link today. Do you recognize the music they are playing? I will give you a hint in a few hours........
8:55:29 AM    comment [];

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