Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, May 10, 2003

It speaks!!! - I feel that I should explain to our concert audiences this Summer and Fall (yes, there is a fall schedule for a six week tour of Texas, Florida and the East Coast and it will be posted shortly!) what our plans are regarding SSRI releases of my music and why I decided to not continue working with traditional record labels as of this year. As you know I don't like talking in between songs as it takes me out of the solution: maybe I should say my piece after the intermission and before the band goes back on. I could speak for a few minutes and then announce that we will start the second half shortly, which would give me a couple of minutes to get back into music-mind from word-mind.....I don't think I am a good public speaker and certainly not an experienced one, and this will be an interesting challenge for me.
8:38:26 AM    comment [];

SSRI Distribution - Since we have received a lot of inquiries from fans abroad we have been discussing how to distribute our new releases outside the USA and this seems to be the best solution: we should try to make a deal with to exclusively sell SSRI product world-wide - with the exception of our own web site and our concert sales of course. We give them the opportunity to sell in the USA only if they agree to also sell the product on amazon UK, amazon Germany, amazon France etc.
This means we don't have to deal with shipping CDs to foreign countries and it should make our releases cheaper abroad. The downside is that we will loose some sales within the US to amazon, but we will be able to offer special deals from our web site, like autographed copies and such.
8:26:38 AM    comment [];

A picture named Shadow.jpg

Shadow on heater...old farm house in Tuscany...last week
8:13:07 AM    comment [];

The RIAA sought to recover $150,000 for each file that was downloaded, but settled with Nievelt earlier this month for a total of $15,000.
- Wired News
6:15:10 AM    comment [];

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