Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, May 25, 2003

Harvard University's Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco says business leaders should be aware of the opportunities and challenges resulting from unprecedented world immigration transformations. [CNET]

A couple of things come to mind:
1. Isn't everybody in the USA, except for Native Americans of course, a former transnational? And isn't that what made this country so successful?
2. I feel that we will see more purpose built countries and cities like Monaco (Finances), Hongkong (Trade), Switzerland (Banking + Stability) - simply because more and more people will be willing to move if they can find a place that better suits their profession/world view/life etc.....

Alright, back to signing.....I am at 121/1000
12:16:11 PM    comment [];

What am I doing on a grey Sunday afternoon in Santa Fe? Why, I am signing 1,000 inserts for the limited edition 3 is 4 good luck mini CD. I am up to 26/1000 so far....
11:41:04 AM    comment [];

WeeBull writes "Michael Cunningham from tried to request 'the source code of the electronic voting system first used in Ireland's May 2002 general ... [Slashdot]

Here is the direct link to the article on

The author is making some great points regarding e-voting, which will concern all of us sooner or later.....and I do like the Boss Alert Click option on the site!! No, Sir, I have been working on this Profit and Loss statement the whole time!!!
9:36:13 AM    comment [];

Word - today I learned that while translation is converting a word into another language, transliteration is converting a word into another language with a different alphabet, i.e. Greek or Russian into English. I looked up the word Kudos and found that it is a transliteration from a Greek word meaning Glory.
8:51:44 AM    comment [];

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