Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, May 15, 2003

The Raffle - of my Nouveau Flamenco guitar to benefit The Red Cross and Amnesty International will definitely happen. We are still working out some of the details. Look for an announcement sometime next week.
10:28:14 PM    comment [];

That last post made me dream of Chinese food......and the best chinese food I have had outside Hongkong and Singapore is at Joss in Los Angeles.....they also have a wonderful wine list!!!! but shhhhh, it's our secret, OK?
10:25:18 PM    comment [];

I did not know!! Hm, now how about a site matching up wines with chocolate...The Twomey Merlot with the Domori Blend No1 would be an excellent choice.....a Mondavi Pinot Noir Napa Reserve with the Domori Green - I have always liked Pinot Noir with Asian food........
10:22:17 PM    comment [];

Luck - They say it is good luck to find two yokes in one egg. Made an omelet this week and found that 4 out of 6 eggs had double yokes...I should play the lottery or run across St. Francis (biggest street in Santa Fe) blindfolded.....
10:13:24 PM    comment [];

It is not actually green of course, but it contains Jasmine Green Tea. UnfortunatelyI can't find Domori chocolate in Santa Fe any longer, but I bought some in Milano 8 days ago. Green sounded intriguing and is it ever fantastic, my friends!!! It is a trip and a half inside a piece of chocolate. A journey inside your mouth. I want to write a whole album worth of music about this taste.....Hm, I don't think I brought enough of Green to be able to do that.....
10:11:37 PM    comment [];

CBS Early Show - Tomorrow I have to leave home at 6am and as usual I haven't packed yet. Not that I'll need to pack a lot. I will only be gone for 39 hours, about 17-18 of which will be devoted to travel. Maybe another hour for dinner tomorrow night, an hour of guitar practicing, 6-8 hours of sleep, 2-3 hours at CBS on Saturday morning....somehow I might have 8 hours unaccounted for.......
10:02:40 PM    comment [];

Throckmorton Fine Art in New York City

Beautiful photographs from Mexico...
9:42:38 PM    comment [];

where you learn to make adobe with your hands.

And you get to pay $400/night for that privilege....Ah, what will hotels think of next?
9:37:50 PM    comment [];

Long Island City, New York
9:34:37 PM    comment [];

Model of Jean Nouvel's Guggenheim Museum Rio de Janeiro

Never been to a Guggenheim museum. Are the exhibitions as spectacular as the architecture? (I am not talking about the New York Guggenheim)
9:30:35 PM    comment [];

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