Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, May 22, 2003

Dear Spam Robot:

I don't have much time to read emails, and I especially don't have much time to read unsolicited commercial emails. But I have decided to make an exception. If you would like to send me unsolicited commercial emails, then I agree to read them on the condition that you promise to pay me $500 comments, and subject to the additional conditions mentioned below. You can accept this offer by sending unsolicited commercial email to me at

In accepting this offer, you also agree (1) to be subject to the laws of California for the purpose of enforcing our contract, (2) to pay any costs, including attorney fees, incurred in enforcing our contract, (3) to pay your obligation under this agreement within 10 days of sending the email, by mailing a check to me at the address referenced in the Contact section of this site, and (4) to accept service and costs associated with any bill collector that I hire to help collect obligations owed me under this contract.

Good luck with your business.

[Lessig Blog]
10:06:43 PM    comment [];

Read - Segways in Paris

Some nice photos of the Eiffel Tower....
1:16:44 PM    comment [];

Found this by chance today.....a fishing report written to music!! Check it out - at the end of every paragraph is a song title from the Opium album. Pull out your Opium CDs and recreate the report by reading it to the appropriate music!
1:10:39 PM    comment [];

"Signs of life become easy distractions from the lava as Hickey, not a moment too soon, exchanges an Oingo Boingo CD with one by flamenco guitarist Ottmar Liebert."

Thanks, LR
1:10:32 PM    comment [];

It's a nu world thang - I recently learned that the wonderful custom of offering customers bread and olive oil originated in American restaurants. It's not something that is done in Italy. I would love to open a restaurant in Italy that combines Californian and Italian cooking...and if I had a restaurant I could drink red wine or Mojitos and play guitar every night....
12:22:33 PM    comment [];

A picture named FlamencoIris.jpg Yesterday a "Flamenco" Iris bloomed in the yard.
9:58:42 AM    comment [];

The working manuscript for Beethoven's Ninth Symphony fetches more than £2.1m at auction in London. [BBC News]
7:07:45 AM    comment [];

FCC czar Michael Powell says new technologies will let diversity flourish even as giant corporations consolidate their control over TV and newspapers. Dream on. [Salon]

Can you say Clear Channel? Ever wonder why radio sounds like it does?
7:05:40 AM    comment [];

William Gibson's blog entry is a speech to the Director's Guild to America on past and future of narrative arts.

One of my favorite authors......long piece....might have to print it out to read it comfortably....
6:44:38 AM    comment [];

USBpendrive.jpgA ballpoint pen that alsom sports a 128MB USB flash drive. USB flash drive keychains makes sense. But why do I have the feeling that the next lame tech trend will be putting USB flash drives in all sorts of silly things like earrings and forks?

6:01:37 AM    comment [];

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