Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Start-up E Ink and partner Philips are set to demonstrate a working prototype of electronic paper that they say features a sharper resolution than ever before. [CNET]

Wake up to find your customized news on a sheet of E-paper.....
1:06:52 PM    comment [];

Keep records: reason #583
In January of this year Jon and I flew to CA for a private party performance. While we were there the hotel's valet wrecked my rental van. The hotel rented a new van for me and the manager wrote a letter, after I insisted, stating that they were completely at fault and would be responsible for the damage of the rental.
Well, what do you know, yesterday I received a call from the car rental company's insurance division. They told me that the hotel gave them the keys to the van and stated that I had damaged the vehicle and misplaced the keys. Hold on, I said, the hotel's employee damaged the car. Can you prove it? I have a letter stating that much. If I can find it? If I handed it to our office manager?
We found the letter and faxed it to the car rental company and justice prevailed, I hope. Was it really worth it for the hotel to lie, when I had already received a written admission of guilt........Needless to say I'll never stay at the hotel again. A call to the hotel manager from us remained unreturned.....
11:50:48 AM    comment [];

A picture named Interior1.jpg Interior...old house in Tuscany...10 days ago
9:26:42 AM    comment [];

A picture named DuomoAd.jpg The beautiful Duomo in Milan is getting repaired. What's next? The Pope endorses Nike? Come to think of it, that would be pretty cool. Would the sneakers be black or purple? Black with a purple swoosh? Purple with a black cross?
9:23:20 AM    comment [];

Some whales and dolphins are now so endangered they may not survive another 10 years, cetacean experts say. [BBC News]
9:16:12 AM    comment [];

…against humanity. Society is based on bending the rules.

Excellent article in WIRED Mag.
9:16:03 AM    comment [];

StArSkY writes "The Age in Australia has an article today explaining the experiences of a Melbourne guy who purchased the Norah Jones CD that is 'copy ... [Slashdot]

Here is a link to the original article in The Age.
8:48:23 AM    comment [];

Worried about losing the satellite link to their transmitter during a thunderstorm, WFMU put connected an emergency iPod to the transmitter that can be switched on in case of emergency:
The Apple device is set on continuous random play from a playlist containing the extensive collection of "Live at WFMU" CDs (live music recorded at the radio station's studios). "The iPod gives us the best, least expensive way of achieving audio backup for the long thunderstorm season," Freedman said. [Gizmodo]
7:27:41 AM    comment [];

You can find them for about 10 bucks less elsewhere. Nice alternative to candles if you want to keep a room real clean. Works well for outdoor dinners as well....
7:02:31 AM    comment [];

BrianWCarver writes "The Washington Post has an article about teams of college students who program Sony AIBO Robotic Dogs to play soccer against each other in ... [Slashdot]

Check out the photo in the Washington Post! That's hilarious!
7:02:15 AM    comment [];

The music industry trade group acknowledges it wrongly sent dozens of copyright infringement notices, and says it's sorry. [CNET]
7:01:52 AM    comment [];

The Chicago Manual of Style
The right of fair use is a valuable one to scholarship, and it should not be allowed to decay through the failure of scholars to employ it boldly. Furthermore, excessive caution can be dangerous if the copyright owner proves uncooperative. Far from establishing good faith and protecting the author from suit or unreasonable demands, a permission request may have just the opposite effect. The act of seeking permission establishes that the author feels permission is needed, and the tacit admission may be damaging to the author's cause.

[from Joi Ito's Web]
7:01:45 AM    comment [];

CBS Saturday Early Show - Jon and I will be leaving for Manhattan on Friday. We are supposed to be performing one full song and two shorter pieces early on Saturday morning.Check your local listings.....
7:01:10 AM    comment [];

Universal Music Group said Monday it is seeking to join a $17 billion suit brought by music publishers against Bertelsmann AG alleging it aided the once hugely popular Napster Internet music service in piracy. - Wired News

Buying Napster doesn't seem like it was such a good idea, huh?
7:01:03 AM    comment [];

A picture named Tomato.jpg

Why do Italian tomatoes taste so great? I almost never eat tomatoes unless I am in Italy.
7:00:06 AM    comment [];

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