Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Question: I was wondering if the cd copy protection is due to the record companies or the artists? I didn't know if the record companies were allowing them to choose.

Answer: I would assume the record companies decide that in most cases, unless an artist has enough cloud or nerve to demand one way or the other.....or in my case decides not to work with a record company at all.
1:20:31 PM    comment [];

Newly added date for the 1st leg of the tour -
June 18 - State Theater - Modesto, CA
1:09:20 PM    comment [];

A picture named EarlyShow3.jpg

Two guys with a bass the size of small car.......and Jewel seems to be trying to get Jon's attention, but he is inspecting his finger nails....
- another photo by Salma
8:31:12 AM    comment [];

Opinion - When you see a green traffic light you go, on red you stop. You expect others to do the same. It is part of the fragile social agreement we have with one another. If you walk down a busy sidewalk you do not expect a person coming towards you to try to trip you. I feel that the same should be true for music. I expect people not to burn thousands of copies of a CD, but I also want them to be able to use their own judgment - rather than selling them a copy-protected CD. They should be able to burn a copy for their car, or create mix CDs with tracks from different artists, or make their own Ottmar Liebert Compilation! To prevent that would be paranoid and in my opinion more akin to waiting at a green traffic light and staring at all of the drivers that have stopped on red - waiting because one of them might start moving and drive into you........
8:26:39 AM    comment [];

Tour Schedule - to the right of this column and underneath the calendar you will find a number of links, one of which will take you to our touring schedule.......4 those having trouble finding it.....
8:14:34 AM    comment [];

A music website faces the anger of the record labels, despite saying it does not break copyright laws. [BBC | TECH]
8:10:34 AM    comment [];

Environmentalists consider Disney's plan to sell DVDs that can be watched for two days and then thrown out 'illogical' and 'absurd.' Many consumers don't see a need for them, either. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

How shortsighted can a company be? Millions of little plastic discs to throw it only once - that's what cable or satellite are there for!
8:07:29 AM    comment [];

I had wondered whether somebody would notice- the guitar on the cover of Little Wing and The Best of Ottmar Liebert, both released by Epic Records, is not mine. It's easy to see because the guitar in those photos has machine heads whereas mine all have the traditional wooden pegs (or at least look as if they have trad wooden pegs)...I didn't want to take a guitar to L.A. just for a photo session and asked the photographer to rent any old guitar.
7:42:46 AM    comment [];

No, the guitar in the Early Show photo is not my Lester DeVoe guitar. I took my 1995 Eric Sahlin guitar to New York, which is a wonderful guitar as well. Since it's only a few weeks until the start of the first leg of the tour I did not want to risk taking the guitar I am planning on touring with as it probably could not be repaired had anything happened to it....
7:38:02 AM    comment [];

RIAA Radar is a bookmarklet that will tell you whether a CD for sale on Amazon was produced by an RIAA member-company or an independent. Just as people can currently find out where some products come from and who made them (Is this banana organic? Does this milk contain GMOs? Were these clothes made in a sweatshop?), it is important to have that knowledge for as many consumer goods as possible. Knowledge is power, and knowing where the product came from can (and should) influence what you buy...

Why is it important to know if an album was released by an RIAA member or not?

That's possibly a fairly long answer, but just the highlights of the RIAA's practices involve price-fixing, blaming its poor financial state on unfounded digital piracy claims (and in turn, blaming its own consumers), lobbying for changes that hinder technological innovation and change copyright laws, underpaying the artists it represents, invading personal privacy to enforce copyrights, and dismantling entire computer networks just because of their ability (of their users) to share copyrighted files. Feel free to visit the RIAA and Boycott-RIAA to learn more. [BoingBoing]

I downloaded the bookmarklet and it works. Of course all of my albums released to date will probably come up with the RIAA warning because they were released by major labels, but my next release nouveaumatic won't. In4mation = Power - and the more info we can get the better......
7:27:16 AM    comment [];

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