Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, June 1, 2003

This might be the easiest way to make tea. I bought one in Italy last month, but I checked online and they are being sold in the US. Most seem to be made from organic cotton. Here is another picture from this site and here......
3:47:01 PM    comment [];

While we are on the subject of tea.....I love a cup of Earl Grey in the afternoons and after tasting a lot of different brands this is the one that stands out.....
3:38:32 PM    comment [];

Ten Ren Tea is now Ten Tea and they are celebrating with a 10% off sale. I have bought tea from this shop in San Francisco's Chinatown for 10 years. My favorites are Pouchong, Jasmine and Ti Kuan Yin.
3:33:35 PM    comment [];

A picture named 3is4Front.jpg

That is what the new limited edition 3 is 4 good luck CD package looks like. On each of the two legs of the tour 500 signed and 750 unsigned copies will be available from our merchandise table. On the CD you will find 3 tracks (hence the title), Euphoria-style remixes of the songs Twilight Rain, Sao Paulo and 2 the Night.
12:32:42 PM    comment [];

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