Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, June 22, 2003

Sacramento: The question for tonight is: what do we cut? I heard that the show is advertised for 8pm and there is a curfew at 10pm. That means we will have to loose about 25-30 minutes....I do enjoy playing Duende del Amor with the Buleria intro, but it is very long and if I drop it for tonight it might work....
5:57:24 PM    comment [];

Phil Greenspun has a funny (as in sad) story about the market rising because the public domain is being transferred to corporations. As Phil writes.........
[Lessig Blog]

Never thought about airspace in that context, but it makes a lot of has belong to all/the public or there can be no air travel...but if Disney gets to own the airspace above Disneyland, why can't the rest of us then also own the airspace above our property?
5:57:08 PM    comment [];

India's Government steps in to stop developers building a commercial complex next to the monument to love. [BBC News]

I saw the Taj Mahal in 1978 and it is an amazing building to witness.
5:00:24 PM    comment [];

There are four ways to solve planet-wide problems. None of them work. Wired magazine's Bruce Sterling breaks down the four mechanisms capable of finessing Earth's world-sized problems. [Wired News]
4:59:09 PM    comment [];

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