Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, May 26, 2003

Dark cloud overhead, distant thunder...rain this evening would be nice. I am up to 826/1000.
5:31:56 PM    comment [];

A picture named Orchid.jpg

I have three orchids blooming like it's 1999. Here is one of them.
4:32:50 PM    comment [];

Frank Rich has a great piece in the Times today about MediaCon.

" Though liberal and conservative organizations alike, from Common Cause to the National Rifle Association, are protesting this further consolidation of media power, most of the country is oblivious to it. That's partly because the companies that program America's matrix have shut out all but bare-bones coverage of the imminent F.C.C. action, much as the ruling machines in "The Matrix" do not feed their captive humans any truths that might set them free."
[Lessig Blog]

Otherwise one company will someday soon own every single media outlet...
2:03:39 PM    comment [];

slimiPod.jpgWord that Apple may be working on a professional version of the iPod that will be aimed at DJs and will let them alter the pitch and speed of songs. Deejaying with iPods is already starting to take off, and while you can be sure that people will be spinning vinyl forever, not having to haul around a crate of records to gigs definitely has its appeal.
ReadAmazon - iPod

1:57:15 PM    comment [];

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