Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Saturday, July 26, 2003

Creative Commons Dialog 2
With the Founder's Copyright, I think you can release your exclusive rights (after the 14 year period) under any of the creative Commons licenses. So that way you could restrict your melody from ending up in a billion toys for sale only 15 years after its introduction. But I guess eventually it would enter the public domain unrestricted. I wonder if it could be staged something like: 14 years exclusive rights; 14 years Attribution+NonCommercial+ShareAlike; public domain... - James [apple] 7/26/03; 5:55:32 PM
I don't think so. I think I can either use the Founder's Copyright, which is 14 + 14 years - and I believe I can right away choose the extension, i.e. 28 years, or I can use the Attribution+NonCommercial+ShareAlike license and that would last 100 years or whatever the current length of copyright is. Am I wrong?
10:01:41 PM    comment [];

Photo from the making of the Snakecharmer video pt 2
A picture named video4.jpg
9:57:38 PM    comment [];

Touring 1992, 1993 or 1994??
A picture named 93-94Tour.jpg
9:24:49 PM    comment [];

You must be feeling nostalgic with some of these older photos. Where was this video filmed? - Carolynn • 7/25/03; 10:51:53 PM
We scanned a whole bunch of old photographs this week...I does bring back old of me from the eighties with blond hair -ha!
Regarding the video, it was shot around Santa Fe of course. The snake scene and the waterfall were shot in Dixon, the scenes with the building are from a former mosque near Abiquiu, the fire scenes were shot somewhere between Abiquiu and Pojoaque...I remember there were so many mosquitos around the fire that night that my friend Al, who was my product manager at Epic and I were hiding in his rental car and we were telling the director there is no way we are going to get out...but of course we did because we had a video to finish...those insects did have a feast that night!!!
9:10:45 PM    comment [];

My interpretation is: #3 would allow someone to use a sample melody in a song or in any other work such as a soundtrack, but not for commercial use (by clause #2). Additionally the derivative work must be distributed under the same license, so further derivatives could be made (#3), with credit to the original author (#1), but never for commercial use (#2). = James • 7/26/03; 8:46:44 AM
Thanks, James, that makes sense to me. In other words, you can use the music or sample for your home-movie, but if you try to sell that same movie you have to get permission from the author of the music/sample. I haven't made up my mind what I like better, this Creative Commons license or what they call the Founders Copyright.
1:22:09 PM    comment [];

We are scanning a lot of old photos this week.....
A picture named RockGarden1.jpg

This photo was used on the package for "The Hours between Night + Day"

1:07:45 PM    comment [];

Rock garden in Kyoto, Japan.
A picture named rock3.jpg

I took this photo in 1978 while I was travelling around Japan.

1:00:06 PM    comment [];

OK, so maybe I'll have to put some bigger wheels on it if I stay on this dirt road....but isn't it cute!! An ectric engine! 130mph! 80 miles on a single charge! 80% charge in only 10 minutes! If a father and son can put this together, doesn't it make you wonder...... via Slashdot
12:43:57 PM    comment [];

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