Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, July 18, 2003

Maybe I should tell you about the next new OL + Luna Negra album and let you in on the whole process? A few months ago I came up with a title for the record: La Semana. That's Spanish and means The Week. I also found a packaging manufacturer that makes a CD Digi-Pack that is arranged vertical instead of horizontal - and looks more like a book or a diary! Each song will have a week-day in Spanish as a title and an English subtitle. The album cover will look like an old know how an old diary has that worn look....stained paper, leather that's been handled so many times etc...Well, I thought that I needed another element to the cover...something more modern...then I remembered the movie "Minority Report". I hated the soundtrack - can't remember ever enjoying John Williams' filmmusic - and the ending was lame....but the layered look was cool...and I am thinking that if I could find a way to combine the old diary look with the transparent layered look of that movie we could create a cover that represents the music pretty well. Tradition + modern sounds. Performance + computer sound design....etc.
I can almost taste it, can't you?
The music: the third song in our show is a yet unnamed Tangos (that's the name of that type of Flamenco rhythm) which will be on the new album...and the first song of the second set is a piece that I start solo and which I wrote for La Semana...
to be continued....
10:09:05 PM    comment [];

Well Ottmar, maybe you'll be having a completely solar powered tour in the near future. - Danny • 7/18/03; 7:06:19 PM
Well, that'll be a long way off. Somebody should take a look at the touring industry and the energy we waste. The amount of Diesel fuel the trucks and buses consume is huge. Solar panels on top of the buses could power the fridge and air-conditioning for example...
9:52:36 PM    comment [];

I was looking to maybe record a few christmas songs to give away as christmas presents this year....but I found out that even though "Deck the Halls" for example is a song in the Public Domain, I may not record it for a while because I recorded a version for Epic three years ago and my contract does not allow me to re-record any composition I have previously recorded for a certain amount of years. That means even if I was to work on a completely different instrumentation and arrangement I won't be able to do it...warning to you young musicians: once entangled it will take many years to remove the last strings...Note: I am not whining about this, merely talking about it...I signed those contracts and I am responsible...
9:42:02 PM    comment [];

New Mexico USA Film Office post production/digital technology forum 2003 August 1. The New Mexico USA Film Office is hosting its first Post Production/Digital Technology Forum on Friday, August 1, 2003 from 1:00-3:00PM at Garson Studios, 1600 St. Michael's Drive, in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. This meeting is an opportunity to update the Film Office and the film community on the different services and technologies available in the U. S. State of New Mexico.
  • Who is involved with post production and digital technology in New Mexico?

  • How can the New Mexico Film Office and the New Mexico Film Advisory Board support and promote this part of the industry?

  • How can future legislation support post and digital projects?

  • Where are we headed with post production and digital technology in the future?

We encourage participants to bring samples of their work, portfolios, literature on your company, etc. Tables will be available for display, so if you want table space, please RSVP to Sarah Biondi or telephone Sarah Biondi (USA) 505-827-9810. [cinema minima]
9:31:04 PM    comment [];

A picture named Moscow1.jpg

Old postcard of Moscow. My grandfather often took the train from Germany to Moscow and then the Trans-Siberian train to China. Nowadays the train only goes to the former USSR city of Nachodka. I took that train ride in 1978 and it was a blast. From Nachodka I took a ferry to Yokohama, Japan.

5:44:45 PM    comment [];

Solar Concentrator: "SHEC LABS - Solar Hydrogen Energy Corporation today unveiled its advanced solar concentrator technology that intensifies sunlight 5,000 times." Photos and video. [Ken Novak: Future energy] [Mediaburn]
5:41:30 PM    comment [];

A picture named SpudGuns.jpg

Our spud gun arsenal!

5:25:11 PM    comment [];

A picture named SoundcheckOL.jpg

Soundcheck. I think my electric guitar playing improved 100% when Jon Gagan suggested using my fingers instead of a pick. I think the tone improved and my phrasing improved. For the rhythmic parts of "Sao Paulo" I still use a pick however......

5:23:46 PM    comment [];

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