Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, July 17, 2003

A Korean subway car with lots of floor-to-ceiling lava-lamps. [Boing Boing] [iceplant radio]

1:45:47 PM    comment [];

Netscape owner AOL has laid off staff working on the browser and says it has stopped development. [BBC | TECH]
All part of their recent settlement with Microsoft?
8:21:37 AM    comment [];

Two congressmen introduce a bill to criminalize the uploading of copyright works to peer-to-peer networks. The penalty: five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Critics say the law goes too far. By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

8:20:16 AM    comment [];

A picture named HBH-60.jpg

I switched from the Jabra bluetooth headset to this Sony Ericsson HBH-60, which seems much more reliable and IMO has better sound quality. Curiously the newer HBH-60 is about 13 bucks cheaper at amazon than its predecessor, the larger HBH-30.

8:09:10 AM    comment [];

A picture named SummerPalace-Peking.jpg

The Summer Palace in Peking

12:36:39 AM    comment [];

A picture named santa-rosa-band-red.jpg

At the Luther Burbank in Santa Rosa, CA. Now I understand why our Lighting Designer always tells me to wear a white shirt....

12:10:47 AM    comment [];

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