Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Monday, July 21, 2003

A picture named 101_0180.jpg

Barrel o' Bees at Secret House in Eugene, Oregon.

11:54:27 PM    comment [];

I am told that Magma made a 17" PowerBook work with their box, by running the latest Apple OS 10.2.6 and the new ProTools 6.1 (with ReWire yeah!!). I am trying it out tomorrow......
11:52:31 PM    comment [];

Plastic::SciTech::Food: Those who study the psychological reasons for our comfort-food preferences, contend that our choices are formed while we are quite young and are often linked to specific personal events or to important people in our lives. [Plastic]

11:50:01 PM    comment [];

The other day I heard an advance copy of an Australian band's song that utilizes a sample of Barcelona Nights. Very pop. Don't know whether it'll come stateside....
11:49:05 PM    comment [];

Why does everything have to be overpackaged? Shrink-wrapping isn't enough, we must have those "bones" at the top of CDs and DVDs. What good are those? As if shrink-wrapping wasn't already overkill! It's not fish that you want to isolate in your fridge! No, it's a CD that's already protected inside a jewel-box. I mean aren't we taking the precious theme a little too far here? A mass-produced item is packaged inside a "jewel-box", to which is then added the Fort Knox bone and then the whole thing is shrink-wrapped. If you don't open the package it might outlive the universe! Well, we are not going to use the bone on our packaging because we hate those things. I don't even want to use shrink-wrapping, but I think people have a thing about receiving product that no-one ever touched before, and since we will be using digi-paks it actually makes sense because unlike the plastic jewel-box a digi-pak can get worse with handling....
11:48:02 PM    comment [];

I have never recorded a guitar pick-up. I have used pick-ups live to support the microphone and in the studio to trigger midi for a synthesizer. But I would never even consider using a pick-up on a recording. I can spot a pick-up on any nylon guitar in a heartbeat (or two). That said there are pick-ups which sound better than other pick-ups. I personally like the B-Band, if you must have a pick up.
I am very happy, however that we are making our performances this year work with microphones alone......
11:31:55 PM    comment [];

A picture named setting-up-speakers.jpg

Setting up the PA speakers.

8:16:11 AM    comment [];

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