Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Postcard from Grandfather
A picture named Pagoda.jpg
8:59:29 PM    comment [];

Carribean Water
A picture named water3.jpg
8:44:00 PM    comment [];

Sony GlasstronAnyone understand why the Sony Glasstron didn't become a huge hit? Why aren't they everywhere and being used for everything? I don't get it. (Although curiously, I have no desire to get one

[Critical Section]

I do! I bought one of those a few years ago. Had it for a few days before I returned it. I thought the image quality wasn't very good - you could see the pixels - and using it made my stomach queasy! Maybe the difference between watching the Glasstron and watching a nice TV is similar to the difference between listening to headphones and listening to speakers. It takes some getting used to!
10:37:52 AM    comment [];

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