Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, July 27, 2003

Number 1:
Egon Schiele
Krumauer Landschaft (stadt und fluss) - 1916
oil and chalk on canvas with tempera, ca. 44 x 56 in.
£12,661,600 ($21,244,300) - (est. £5,000,000-£7,000,000)
Sotheby's London - June 23, 2003

Or you could buy over 2,000 paintings for $10,000 each.....ah, but the storage would be expensive....
10:22:14 PM    comment [];

My brother Stefan, Al and me...
A picture named olslal.jpg

Al was my product manager at Epic from 1992 until 1999. The only man at any record company I ever trusted and still a good friend. This photo is from a release party at my house for the CD The Hours between Night + Day in the Fall of 1993. People from large CD chains like Virgin and Tower as well as from Sony Distribution came to my house. The food was catered by Geronimo and after a few rounds of Margaritas everyone had a great time listening to Al's stories.

9:50:27 AM    comment [];

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