Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, July 8, 2003

A picture named CBgear2.jpg

Canton's gear: check out the mouse pad and tap lights

11:39:54 PM    comment [];

A picture named Soundcheck3.jpg

photo taken by crew member Guy Meyer at a recent soundcheck.

11:33:36 PM    comment [];

...more photos of Cinque Terre
I have visited a few times since 1996. You get around by train, which connects the five towns or by walking...
7:41:22 AM    comment [];

Eric Hughes sent me a great piece about The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which will be released this Friday. As he points out, every character in the movie (which the ads call "the most innovative film of the summer," and "when our future is at stake, they will be our last hope") is a character in the public domain. As WALT Disney before (and as Disney, Inc has apparently forgotten now), the creators of this movie have used the public domain to produce creative new work. For those who defend the idea of (effectively) perpetual copyright: Do you think there would be more of these works if there were a gaggle of rights holders to clear permissions with? [Lessig Blog]
Of course it would be even funnier if the movie had been released by Disney! But the point is made...
7:15:41 AM    comment [];

Cute little car. I like the idea of alternative fuel vehicles, however I want to see one that does all of the things we need for it to do including going long distances, off road capabilities, a bit more cargo room (where would you put your guitar???), etc. I have to admit that this one reminds me of a prize that a kid would get in a Happy Meal. Not necessarily a bad thing... Carolynn • 7/7/03; 4:35:07 PM
I think we will sooner or later have to separate in-town travel from medium distance travel or long-distance travel. You can't have it all. 90% of the time we use a vehicle for short distances and yet we insist on larger vehicles that can comfortably carry us longer distances. I have done the math and if you were to buy a Smart car for in-town use and rent a bigger car for medium or longer distances you would actually save money. Of course this would not work for a drummer or anybody who needs to carry a lot of equipment or has a large family. When I lived in Boston I used public transportation and would rent a car for week-end excursions. It was cheaper than buying a car, paying the insurance and paying for parking as well...
7:12:46 AM    comment [];

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