Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Sunday, July 13, 2003

A picture named Soundcheck1.jpg

Soundcheck in Vancouver, I believe.

2:20:49 PM    comment [];

Next-generation optical camouflage is busting out of defense labs and onto the street. This is technology you have to see to believe. By Wil McCarthy from Wired magazine. [Wired News]

12:53:58 PM    comment [];

A picture named HeavenTemple1915.jpg

A 1915 photo entitled Heaven Temple. From my grandnfather's collection. When time permits I will scan more of his many photos and postcards and will publish them here.

12:51:40 PM    comment [];

A picture named OrchidDec.jpg

A scan of Orchid blossoms

12:44:28 PM    comment [];

Ottmar, your future vision is impressive. Do U C future all optimistic like U imply? I mean do U ever hesitate ever that the technology given us this comfortable lifestyle can lead us to our possible extinction? - Dominic • 7/13/03; 9:24:50 AM

I don't think I implied anything with my statement. I simply pointed out that the revolutionary changes that the software/music/publishing industries are going through will sooner or later happen to all other industries as well. Eventually everything will be digitized, including life - see Genetic research and Biotech. And regarding our extinction let's play a game: Let's imagine you were a deity of some sort and you were inclined to play with worlds - after all your sandbox is infinite...and let's say you created a world just like ours...wouldn't you have set an alarm for the late 20th Century and slept for millions of years....because not much exciting happens until people have the power to blow everything up. Now that changes everything....everything preceding that is simply child's play. People going at one another with spears or swords - that's now isolated villages have turned into connected cities and countries and many of us consider ourselves citizens of the world...that's when it get's interesting, don't you think. That's when you want to wake up and watch. You wouldn't necessarily do anything, but maybe this is what you set up in the first entertain yourself. Or maybe not.
In any case this is an exciting time to be alive, don't you think? In our lifetime the world might perish or break on through to a world-centric view that replaces any country-centric or racial view...or maybe it is not a break-through but rather a slow any case everything before was the opening act and we are the main attraction...we can make it all blossom or.....
But I do believe that break-through would never be possible without computers and our tools of communication. The wider your view becomes, the farther reaching your communication devices have to be. You can't send the Pony Express to China and you can't send Carrier Pigeons to Europe. This ain't for comfort - it is total necessity.
12:28:44 PM    comment [];

The July issue of Global Rhythm magazine has a positive review of The Santa Fe Sessions. - James • 7/13/03; 12:02:20 AM
Thanks for the tip, James. I found their web site and it looks like a very cool magazine. However, I only found a June issue and the new August issue (which has a review of the Higher Octave "Best of Ottmar Liebert Vol 1" grrr!). I might have to make a trip to the local magazine store....
9:56:19 AM    comment [];

A picture named KodakShop2.jpg

I found this Kodak envelope which belonged to my grandfather. Circa 1915....check out the line at the bottom: Prices quoted in "Big Money".....

9:43:44 AM    comment [];

An anonymous reader shot us off a link to an article discussing how to use the RIAA's System to Broadcast Music Legally. [Slashdot]
Funny piece on web broadcasting and the RIAA. I can see those people who make real hardware, like hammers or other tools, smirk at the problems the music industry is facing. Now the magazine publishing business is also coming unglued as it seems people in Japan look at magazines and simply snap photos of the interesting articles with their phone cams instead of purchasing the magazine...Well, just wait another decade or two until a nano compiler can create a hammer in a few minutes and all a person has to do is get a recipe for a hammer from the internet!!!! You see it is ALL (pardon the upper case) going to change!!!
9:36:29 AM    comment [];

Record labels should embrace the opportunities offered by MP3, argues one of the creators of the format. [BBC | TECH]
Interesting background on the mp3 format....
9:21:56 AM    comment [];

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