Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, July 9, 2003

Music fans who download songs from the internet go on to buy more albums, a survey suggests. [BBC | TECH]
We knew that already, but now it's, don't you think that record companies regret insulting and attacking their most loyal customers?
9:17:51 AM    comment [];

A picture named OLgearJPG.jpgThis is the rack that stands between Jon and myself and supports the keyboard. We didn't end up using that microphone pre-amp at all. Underneath you see my Line 6 virtual guitar amp. I leave my Groove Tubes amp and a 1979 Mesa Boogie (first piece of gear I bought when I came to America) in my studio as the Line 6 is more versatile and silent. I only hear the electric guitar through my in-ear monitors. In fact I haven't used either the Groove Tubes or Mesa Boogie in years as the Line 6 has digital output. Below the Line 6 are 4 custom made Direct boxes, designed by Gary Lyons. We use them for Jon's bass and keyboard as they deliver a much richer sound.
8:58:08 AM    comment [];

A picture named JGgear.jpg

Jon's pedal board.

8:38:27 AM    comment [];

One watch you really don't want to lose: new line of Timex watches with built-in miniaturized Speedpass radio frequency transponders that with a wave of your wrist let you pay for gas at 7,500 Exxon and Mobile stations nationwide and for food at 440 McDonalds in Chicago and Indiana. Read... [Gizmodo]
Speedpass in a cellphone could be handy, but in a Timex watch? I like my mechanical watch too much. See William Gibson's piece for Wired: Mechanical watches partake of the Tamagotchi Gesture: They're pointless yet needful, comforting precisely because they require tending.
8:37:00 AM    comment [];

The fantastic floating device called a lifter has no moving parts, no onboard fuel and no shortage of wide-eyed admirers. Even inside NASA. By Clive Thompson from Wired magazine. [Wired News]
I pinched myself, then I checked the calendar, but April 1st is a long way off...anti-gravity was always one of those Sci-Fi elements that I didn't buy, but here it is?
8:32:27 AM    comment [];

A picture named OLmonitor.jpg

Shure in-ear monitor amp attached to my chair.

12:34:06 AM    comment [];

McDonalds' is beginning to roll out its on-site wireless internet serphoto taken by crew member Guy Meyer at a recent soundcheck.y include "buy-a-[insert food item here], get a two-hour wireless connection free" deals. Not everyone predicts success. [BoingBoing]
Do you have to actually eat the food, or can you leave it on the table?
12:30:53 AM    comment [];

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