Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, July 10, 2003

Tickets go on sale tomorrow for your Albuquerque show. After all of this talk about Canton and the cool stuff he does, I guess he won't be touring with Luna Negra XL. I was curious to see him perform with you. Carolynn • 7/10/03; 8:41:46 PM
I think there may be some confusion about this. Some promoters are still billing this tour as OL + Luna Negra XL. Well, it is not. The September/October leg of the tour will also feature: Jon Gagan, Ron Wagner and Canton Becker.
9:49:58 PM    comment [];

If like myself you prefer to use wooden pegs instead of machine heads on your Flamenco guitar, you might want to know what Lester DeVoe sent me to keep them working well: A composition for Pegs which have ceased to turn smoothly by Hidersine. That's soooo English. I love it. Here it would be called SuperSmooth or GlideEasy. Lester sent me a small lipstick of the paste, but you can apparently also buy it in larger tins.....

5:04:00 PM    comment [];

Your life on the road just got a lot easier. With the first and only WiFi detector on the market today, you no longer need to cross your fingers as you wait for your notebook to boot up. Just press a button and the Kensington WiFi Finder lets you know if your location is "hot" - instantly. No software or computer required... 2.95"L X 0.39"H X 2.17"W.

Link to Kensington via [BoingBoing]

How much would it cost to blanket the country with free WiFi? How much would internet commerce grow if everyone with a computer had access to the net anywhere?
2:59:55 PM    comment [];

A picture named Spokane1.jpg

Photo from our show at the Met Theater in Spokane, WA. I believe Canton asked a stranger in the audience to snap a few pictures - w/o flash of course!! He did this a couple of times and no one ran off with his camera.

2:42:22 PM    comment [];

Over one billion pirate CDs will be sold this year:

Of the estimated total number of illegal music copies sold, 40% originate from factory production lines which produce professional-looking products but without paying any money back to the industry or artists.

Asia and Russia have been identified as hot spots for this.

Ironic, then, that the enforcement efforts from the RIAA and company have focused on efforts that will do nothing at all to slow these crooks.

What terribly madness has seized control of the music industry, that it has decided to attack its customers who use file-sharing networks largely to source out-of-print music and to sample new music before buying it, rather than actually attacking the actual crooks who actually make money at the industry's actual expense [BoingBoing]

BoingBoing says it all. Right on target.....
2:10:29 PM    comment [];

The number of illegal CDs produced globally in a year hits the one billion mark for the first time. [BBC | TECH]
This is what is called Piracy and I am against it. It is a rip off done for profit. File-sharing is something completely different!
2:07:33 PM    comment [];

Sony recalls 18,000 Vaio laptops worldwide because of the risk of an electric shock to users. [BBC | TECH]
Did Congressman Hatch have anything to do with that? Is this a new way to prevent file-sharing??
2:06:01 PM    comment [];

What kind of pickups are you using on your DeVoe? I didnt see you plugging in at your show. Sounded very nice. - Wil Soledad • 7/9/03; 1:18:46 PM
Yes, you are right. I did not plug my guitar into anything. It's all acoustic. I have never liked the sound of pick-ups, but at times there was a need to use one. When we opened for Santana we would play a few songs with him and his band and they played so incredibly loud that I had to use a pick-up. I do think that if you have to use a pick-up, the B-Band is one of the best. Anyway, I told my engineer Alan a few months ago that I was not going to mount any pick-up on my DeVoe and that I hoped that we would be able to get enough sound out of microphones.
1:53:30 PM    comment [];

A picture named chair.jpg

Here you can see how we mount the two Shure microphones...- photo by Canton

1:42:33 PM    comment [];

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