Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Where in the world is Schmidt?
A picture named Rolf.jpg
8:48:59 PM    comment [];

Paris - 1991
A picture named OL1991YYParis.jpg
7:35:51 PM    comment [];

My next car...
A picture named HondaInsight.jpg

I tried to test drive a Honda Insight today. None left in Santa Fe. 70mpg!!!! I have seen some around town and I am thinking of trading my Audi TT Quattro for one of these...

7:32:53 PM    comment [];

1912 photo in China
A picture named Old-18.jpg
7:29:11 PM    comment [];

Check it out. He calls his music Nouveau Flamenco, his CD is Spanish Nights, a song is called Snake Charmer, his label is called Rosanegra....sound familiar? It's like a taking a step back 13 years....
Well, I hope he will take it somewhere new at some point...
Thanks Robin
7:01:55 PM    comment [];

Music industry attempts to pursue students sharing music over the internet have been dealt a blow. [BBC | TECH]

12:09:33 AM    comment [];

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