Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Tuesday, August 26, 2003

So, drink your medicine like a good boy.
[Backup Brain]
I am drinking my medicine every day and I usually carry quite a few cases on tour with me. They get a little shaken up by the bus, but what can you do...if you rely on promoters you'll get a bottle of rottgut that they'll try to charge you fifty bucks for....
9:18:17 PM    comment [];

We still have some bugs to iron out...but our ordering pages are up and running. We made our first sale yesterday and the first goods were shipped out today. Mr. Gore, you were our first customer, thank you.
You can click on the link above, or a new link to the right under the calendar and above the archive or simply go to our homepage and click on the merchandise link. It's the beginning of a new era for us and there is no turning back.
9:08:04 PM    comment [];

Mercury News reviews The Concert Companion, an off-the-shelf Sony Clie loaded with special software so that audience members at classical concerts can figure out what's going on in realtime. Wow, what a cool use for a PDA!
via [Critical Section]

Hm, I am torn about this one. I think the light emitted by a hundred of these devices in a concert hall would bother me - speaking from an audience perspectice. Maybe they could use some kind of goggles instead? Again, I feel that the words could take us away from the primordial language of music. Yes, we would learn some very very interesting things about the performances and I can think of cool uses that combine poetry with the music, but I don't know....reading the words would certainly take you outside of your music-mind...
9:00:26 PM    comment [];

iChoose is a small menu item, that gives you easy access to your favorite web links or applications or in fact any folders on your computer right from the Menu bar at the top. You can create folders with aliases for all your music apps, another folder with your design apps and keep web links ordered regardless of which browser you might want to use. For OS 10.1 and higher. I have been using iChoose for quite a while and it is rock-solid. Highly recommended! Here is a direct link to the web site of Lucky software.
8:20:40 PM    comment [];

Tonight's Sunset
A picture named Sky26Aug.jpg
7:45:59 PM    comment [];

Beautiful building in Phoenix on Wallpaper cover....
A picture named Cover.jpg
7:26:11 PM    comment [];

From a conversation I had yesterday... a dinner party:
In an interview (I don't remember the source, newspaper I believe) a woman in Phoenix had said that yes people were using a lot of water in Phoenix, but the problems would really only come to a head a hundred years from now and at that time they are not our problems anymore.
What if life extension became widely available in this century, and all those people who pollute and waste resources have to live with the outcome of their own about instant Karma...
4:58:54 PM    comment [];

Noise 16
A picture named Noise16.jpg
4:54:11 PM    comment [];

Head Shot from 1991 by Greg Gorman
A picture named Gorman1990Web.jpg
4:53:29 PM    comment [];

It's your call, not mine
was looking for a tour date somewhere in my hemisphere, and see that Ottmar is going to preform at the 20th Century Theater in Cincinatti, in October. I contacted the theater and requested ticket information. I was prepaired to drive, (about 120 miles), to the theater to purchace tickets vs. pay the $7.50 per ticket charge from Ticket master. The theater manager said that all advance tickets are availible thru ticket master only. Well I could have, I was at the computer when they went on sale, but I didn't buy tickets because of the inflated surcharge. Had the tickets been $25 and the surcharge $3, I'd have tickets for the show. Now I have to wait for the day of the show and hope some tickets will be availible at the door, of coarse then they are $3 more. Please considder that Ticketmaster is run by the devil and I don't do business with the devil. If you could find a way to provide ticket sales thru the theater or some other outlet, I sure would appreciate it. Thank You, Bert Huckelberry [apple] 8/26/03; 9:33:34 AM
Ah, how I agree with you, Bert. But I have to make a lot of deals with the devil. From 1989 until today the list of deals with the devil has grown to be very, very long. And it is tiring and upsetting and often I want to just quit because it makes me sick to my stomach. Yes, I often consider retiring because there are many elements of this business that I do not like in the least. To some it is capitalism at its finest, but I feel that Capitalism unchecked is no better than Communism. A balance must be found. If you do not like Ticketmaster's monopoliy and business practises go out and vote, support a candidate that shares your views, or picket. Remember what happened to a little band called Pearl Jam that stood up against Ticketmaster? In other words here are our choices (your and mine):
1. I tour and perform or
2. I try to tell promoters not to use their choice of ticket outlet and end up staying home.
11:31:42 AM    comment [];

The tax would not affect plain old diner coffee -- just "any beverage prepared for immediate consumption containing half an ounce or more of espresso regardless of caffeine content, whether served hot or cold."
First they tax Espresso, but not coffee. Next they'll tax Classical music, but not bubblegum pop...then you have to pay a better book tax - not applicable to most extra tax on organic food and none on processed about a great film tax - but not a movie tax...I hope I am not giving a politician an idea here....oh, and this is a good one: tax fresh salmon, but not fishsticks...
9:11:21 AM    comment [];

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